Right now is a tremendous opportunity to get more people involved, as it has not been since Spumco.com's forums existed that so many people have been intentionally cut out of the conversation. So it is in your interests to promote this blog to everyone who might be interested. At your church youth group, at your favorite chicken and waffles, at your LA comic book store, at the animation studio you work at, at your birthday party. I encourage you all to make your own promotional materials to post or distribute at those or any other place you think people may be interested; the more black and white, the more text based, the more xerox-y, the more like it was made to promote a 3rd grade bake sale or find a lost scarf, the better. Use letter stencils, carve it in jack o lanterns, put a banner for it on a float in the Thanksgiving Day parade! Embed it as a fly on any videos you post to RedTube! The possibilities are endless! Here's something to get you started, if you just want to print something out and tack it to a corkboard (don't forget to cut between the URLs so people can easily tear off one at a time):

And remember, email signatures promoting this place are always a good idea.
Something like:
" Banned from a Ren and Stimpy blog or conversation?
Not banned but want to see who has been?
Try RnSSS for the rest of the conversation.
http://renandstimpyshitstorm.blogspot.com "
in any animation forum you may post in.
Well, can anyone else access John's blog? It says it's invite only now. Wonder how you even go about GETTING an invite.
ReplyDeleteit's hard to believe that you are adults.
ReplyDeleteyou're a bunch of fools... you don't even deserve to have eyeballs! wankers!
ReplyDeleteNice idea but I gotta say though, you're terrible at designing flyers...
ReplyDeleteAlso it's kinda funny that you want people to tell everyone everywhere about this when it's really a very small percentage that would want to discuss an obscure show that was cancelled 15 years ago...
ReplyDeleteWow, your blog is a rebel. Here's someone helping you spread the word...
okay Im pissed john k Is now only letting invite only members to his blog so does that mean I can never look at his blog again? If thats true then I have to say that is "bull shit"
ReplyDeleteBlame him not us.
ReplyDeleteIron Maiden, try asking him for an invite. While I suspect he reads here closely, I could be wrong; you might post politely on one of the blogs associated with his, asking how to request an invite to AKOS.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, does it even matter at this point? John's blog has just been going around in circles lately. Reiterating the same advice and lessons over and over again. Either that or stirring sh*t up with posts about rap music.
ReplyDeleteThere's plenty of other blogs about drawing, and design. The only thing I kept hoping for was some discussion on HOW TO ANIMATE, but I finally figured out that John doesn't animate. He does layouts, so that wasn't going to happen.
ReplyDeleteVincent Waller nicely asked Ted to remove the link to his blog from Ted's blog. Ted told him no and basically told him to shove it up his ass.
Ted is officially guilty of being an asshole.
My response was actually
ReplyDelete"VW, my hate blog does not have a link to your site. RnSSS does, but it is not a hate blog, and as your site is on topic (yours is a blog on or relating to Ren and Stimpy/Spumco/etc. and/or its personnel) and a potential place where such a discussion about those subjects may take place and thus might be censored, I'm afraid it is too relevant to remove the link. If you have more specific reasons to request removal other than disliking RnSSS, please feel free to present them and I will consider the circumstances. Or you could decide an open forum is so fundamentally opposed to what you do that you could shut down your blog in response to it remaining there. But then, that would be ludicrous."
So, other than to the extent that a polite "no" with an invitation to give further reasons which might change my decision equates with "shove up ass", you are in error as to the tenor of my response.
You still told him no when he asked you to take down the link. You can put fancy wording to it, but you still told him to shove it up his ass.
ReplyDeleteYou can put chocolate sauce on shit, but it's still chocolate sauce on shit.
You're still guilty of being an asshole.
Whoa, Ted! I didn't know you were doing vlogs!
ReplyDeleteHere's a vlog of Ted talking about John K: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUnF-4m2Np4&feature=related
This is an official request to please remove the link to the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive from RnSSS.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with "Cock Toos." Douchebag move if I ever saw one, dude. But I know why, and it has nothing to do with the reasoning you tried (unsuccessfully) to detail in that lengthy, dismal diatribe you spewed there.
ReplyDeleteYou just like feeling like you're in control of something, however miniscule and irrelevant it may be. Kudos, you still have VW's link. Without his consent, or respect. Very nice.
God the nuts just keep flooding in.
ReplyDeleteRick, how does it feel to know that you're probably blacklisting yourself from a huge portion of the industry you take so much interest in?
ReplyDeleteDo you people even THINK before you spew? No, you're just a kid with no career to speak of, no experience to draw upon, and no informed opinion that you earned through years of hard work, dedication and passion for what you do.
So instead, you project your own inadequacies on anyone who's actually managed to accomplish something worthwhile, then ruin it for everyone else when those people get sick of stupid bullshit from people like you, when all they're really trying to do is help.
And of course, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "nut." Hypocrite.
You guys keep arguing that John can post whatever comments he wants to, but Ted can't keep a link on his own blog? If John can do whatever he wants to do, why the hell can't Ted?
ReplyDeleteHey Matt, some people don't give a sh*t about working in the industry. Hell, if you've ever read John's blog you probably wouldn't want to bother with the industry anyways.
ReplyDeleteGeneric ASIFA link removed; it is not your personal blog. RnS specific post links would be on topic however, and they may be re-added on that specific post basis. Do you have a personal blog you would prefer to be linked to Steve?
ReplyDelete"Rick, how does it feel to know that you're probably blacklisting yourself from a huge portion of the industry you take so much interest in?"
ReplyDeleteWho ? Please tell me. John K. can't even get a job himself. Your vision of the industry is limited my friend, VERY limited.
"No, you're just a kid with no career to speak of, no experience to draw upon, and no informed opinion that you earned through years of hard work, dedication and passion for what you do. "
First of all I am not spouting opinions. I am pointing out lies and bull shit John himself has orchestrated. I can get a laundry list of people who have been treated like shit by John K. or in Bob Camp's case, have their reputation tarnished.
"So instead, you project your own inadequacies on anyone who's actually managed to accomplish something worthwhile, then ruin it for everyone else when those people get sick of stupid bullshit from people like you"
Thank you Dr. Joyce Brothers for your brilliant analysis. Now I have to feel bad because a random moron told me I should be.
Hey "Anonymous," some people like learning form others who've weathered the storm and have jumped through the hoops in an art form that they have a passion for. I'd love to have the experience John K has, even if it means putting up with the bullshit that comes with it.
ReplyDeleteThen the lunatics have to cry foul over every imagined slight they can dream up, when he's just trying to do something positive for an industry in serious need of revitalization.
Hell, I don't even agree with John on alot of things, but I appreciate the hell out of his blog and what he's trying to do. The man's earned his opinion, moreso, I'd wager than the people who cry foul over a missed credit or strong opinion here and there. You people are ridiculous.
Keep projecting there, Rick. You're glowing.
ReplyDeleteSince when does a person have to "earn" their opinion?
ReplyDelete"Since when does a person have to "earn" their opinion?"
ReplyDeleteSince the beginning of time?!
At the end of the day, you're all a bunch of massive faggots. Especially Ted and Rick. Get a fucking life. Go create something, rather than destroy and tear down.
ReplyDeleteYou fucking children.
Jorge you just love that word faggot, don't you ? I remember you making a homo-eroctic comment about Gerard Butler in "300". So how many men have you serviced outside of your local Dennys sweetheart ?
ReplyDeleteRick Roberts - weren't you friends with John at some point in time?
ReplyDeleteGod, and Ted - wtf?
This is the saddest blog I've ever seen, and now you've both ruined John's blog for everyone.
Seriously, how do you guys sleep at night? You're both losers. Your parents must be proud!
Maybe if all the Spumco guys and gals made their blogs "invitation only" that would make MORE people want to draw like them.
ReplyDeleteThese are words of advice moreso then criticism, and should be read as such. This is unprofessional in every sense of the word. You don't conduct yourselves as gentlemen yet wave your rights of free speech around like they were there so you could act like fools. You don't like John K for your own reasons, I can respect that for what it is. But you don't go make a blog about how much he's "censored" your opinions, you say "oh well" and take it like men, instead of carrying your feelings about something that happened on the internet into a blog where you channel your frustrations into a hate blog. By doing this, you are only hurting yourselves and your own reputations. And what work have you guys done? I've seen some drawings on your blogs, but nothing of substance or quality in any sense of the word...what's your "authority" on the subject of good animation, if any? It's all subjective anyways. Focus on what you are doing, you can only change yourself and not others, so why not try and better yourselves? Because this isn't going anywhere at all, the point of a conversation and debate is dialectic, not dead-end. I mean that with as much sincerity and respect as possible.
ReplyDelete"what's your "authority" on the subject of good animation, if any?"
ReplyDeleteWhat does knowing animation have to do with the subject of censorship ?
Rick, you don't seem to know what that word "censorship" means.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a classic case of fanboyism going wrong. You worship a famous person or artist you admire, and when he doesn't give you 100% attention and admiration, you turn on him. How FUCKED YOU are to have this kind of need for love and attention from someone you only know through the internet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, Jorge, because you're so talented - at asskissing.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I am disappointed to find that my favorite blog was turned private though. He should have turned comments off altogether, because his posts stand on their own and don't need further commentary (sycophantic or negative).
My apologies for not being clear as to what I meant when I said "what's your authority...etc.", and also for not signing my name so I could be addressed and inquired upon about my statements.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand of your blog, your area of expertise, more or less, is in the field of animation, more specifically character and cartoon animation (which I applaud you for and hope you produce breathtaking work, for I believe a success for one is a success for all in the art of animation). You're area of expertise, however, is not in an area of law or civil liberties pertaining to the world wide web in regards to censorship. The first amendment, at least in the context of the United States of America which you reside in, doesn't cover libel, slander, hate speech, etc. Although you may have valid points in what you say, how you say it can be deemed as any of the above in that you are not conducting your thesis with tact or poise, nor are you attempting to engage in a debate respectfully with commments such as "John could have done the same thing if he didn't insist on burning his bridges" and "I think John has perpetuated alot of bull shit on his blog and it just ain't right. Justifying the clear lack of construction in his recent work, the down right denial credit to some of the Spumco Alumni, and the truth behind what went on in the R&S break up." Such comments would and should be kept "off record" at best, as without citing sources you're at risk of being libel. If you could please back these statements up with official documentation or point people in the direction of a credited source that does, you'd be doing yourself a justice in forming your arguments. The internet and the first amendment is still a highly debated topic, as there are a lot of gray areas on what is acceptable and what is not. I personally try to conduct myself in the same manner I would carry in my day to day life, as professionally as possible, because you never know who is watching.
Also, allowing comments that are just out-right offensive and make no attempt at even being the least bit civil or well composed do a great injustice to your entire argument. It no longer becomes, as you seem to make it, an issue of censorship and instead becomes a place where people come to be slanderous and hateful. In which case, censorship of such statements would be required (whether imposed or introduced through a level of self control) in order to keep people in check and maintain a level of credibility...a catch-22 of sorts (arguing that he has censored you, but in order to have the credibility to make such claims you need to censor yourself, and if you don't censor yourself it gives credibility to why he censored you in the first place).
If your issue is with him censoring you and not with what he censored, why are you bothering fighting the issue of censorship in the first place against John K of all people? Because he censored your opinions of his or other peoples works? In which case, the relevance of "what makes you an authority on good animation" becomes relevant.
I hope this helps clear up my meaning
Grow up.
ReplyDeleteYou sort of went off into a tangent that dosen't concern this discussion but I'll try respond to your overall comment.
Time and again I have mentioned Bob Camp, Jaques, and Jim Smith here and on spumboard. As a matter of fact, Jim came on this blog and then hypocritically defending John afterwards. I am assuming he was bribed some how shortly afterwards, more then just that pitiful tribute.
As for my comments about the lousy construction in his doodles, the evidence is ironically right on his own blog. He advocates this constitution of good construction in drawing all the time when posting examples from Warners, Disney, Lantz, MGM, and other golden age studios. None of these recent abstractions from John show any sense of solid shapes, silouette, line of action, and the list goes on. Just compare the posts yourself and try and tell me how they show any good draftsman ship.
And last the issue of censorship. I remember I once tried to defend John on a debate with Pete Emslie. He then censored me and told me I shouldn't speak unless I have something to show myself. He lashed out me the same way he lash out his critics who don't draw. Then again while defending Batman, he censored me again so others could lash out at me. He seems like a very bitter person who randomly attacks persons for little or no reason. But ask Bob Camp or David Gemmill, ask them about how young artists would obey John K. and then treat them like shit. Ask Ryan K. as well, he has some stories. This is tesitmony enough that John K. has burned his bridges, it's no coincidence that he can't get a job and so many speak so very ill of him.