Monday, April 30, 2018

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose

This is also a problem:
The dictum is that the cure to bad speech is not to prohibit it, but to have more speech. That dictum is imperfect, but a culture of "one side only" is part of what kept the problem dark. Do you want to defend John K.? Make your case. Keep it civil. Do not be threatening. And don't expect anyone to agree with you. But I don't think you should be silenced for just being on what I think is the obvious wrong side of this.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Cirrhosis of the Heart

Comments on the John K Studios Instagram account are being heavily moderated to remove negative comments, presumably largely stemming from the accusations of improper conduct. If you would like your opinions retained for future reference, feel free to include them in the comments below.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Everything You Say Will Destroy You

I interviewed John K on September 27th, 1995. The time period is relevant to the timeline of the recent discussions.

Discussing what the paper is (a college paper); followed immediately by a suggestion by John
JK: Tell all the university girls to come see me. The smart ones. Big brown eyes.
Me: Ok we know your preferences. Anything like Sody Pop….
JK: Yeah yeah. Run a contest. Sody Pop lookalike contest.
Me: Hmm, that would be fun…
JK: Win a date with a genius.

JK I've got my own theories about what all the laws should be and one day when I'm king of America I'll do that, I'll change everything;
Me: OK
JK: I'll say 'More university girls for all cartoonists'.

JK:Hey do you know about Al's Bar in Hamtrak…
Me: [inaudible]
JK: Hamtramck, is that what it's called?  it's called Lily's bar I think
Me: Lily's 21 and over?
JK: You should get everyone to go there, I'm gonna be there one night, not really sure which night it is. I guess  if people call
Me: what are you going to do there
JK: I'm just going to hang out with people, shoot the shit. "

32:40 (gives old spumco AOL email address)
33:09 JK: That's where you can yell at us for corrupting Americans

Saturday, March 31, 2018

We've Been Had

Hey, did you know that John K had a successfully funded Kickstarter for a new George Liquor cartoon? It was successfully funded on August 17, 2012! 3,562 backers pledged $136,723 to help bring this project to life! The estimated delivery for the cartoon was February 2013!

March 31, 2018: No one has gotten the cartoon.

An apparently complete but without backgrounds done version screened at Annecy in June 2016.

In the last two years, there's only been one update posted on the Kickstarter. They didn't bother to tell anyone about that Annecy screening through th Kickstarter.

John K mentioned it was "almost finished" in a Facebook post (date stamps in the post are old):
""Scott Pikulski What happened to the kickstarter? It's been 5 years?
Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs
John Kricfalusi
John Kricfalusi almost done, man.
Like · Reply · 8 mins"
"Dennis Peña Cut the crap and release Cans goddamit
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
John Kricfalusi
John Kricfalusi soon. I hope you will like it
Like · Reply · 12 mins
John Kricfalusi
John Kricfalusi just doing the titles and credits now
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 mins""

His last update on the Kickstarter was hand written lined paper and appeared as images in the post; why this was done is unclear.

It mentions the cartoon is done!

It then fails to provide the cartoon.

It also mentions a new animation studio he's starting to mold young artists.

As it's the most recent message we had, and since it lets people know his forthcoming plans for young people, I thought I'd put it here, since only backers can see the post on the Kickstarter. [note I've tried to retain the spelling and punctuation; he seems to put apostrophes after most but not all final "s"es; the title of the post calls the new show "StinkTime Theater", the body image says "STINKyTime Theatre"

"Aug 6 2017
Update and Preview of StinkTime Theater
[Following transcribed from hand written lined paper note images on the post; why this was done is unclear]
Hi folks!
as you heard, the cartoon is finished and we are now working on the Supplemental side.
I thought you might like to see how the whole process works', so I am going to include some scenes' that show all the steps' our animation takes!
[image of Stimpy pointing right and arrow pointing right]\[page break]
[image of angry Ren with word ballon "Keep reading."]
You'll see the original story sketches' - pencil, pen Layouts' - Pencil and cintiq.
Rough animation -
CG BG elements'.
maybe some Backgrounds too.
Once he supplemental stuff is done and I finish the cover art, then it will be ready to print them on DVDs' for you.
[page break]
OH, and BTW, we are also sending a phone-doodle to each of the $10 donoors'.
we sent aBout a HUNDRED of them out so far and we'll send the rest in the next few weeks.
Some of the phone doodles' are actually development sketches for stories we are working on.
see the samples below
[page break]
We have Been BuiLDiNG the 'digitoys''.
[images of a boy, a car and a dog, with sound effects]
[page break]
Now we have to find a programmer to make them work on multiple platforms.
I have no idea how long that takes and that's why I am sending phone doodles in the meantime.
Once we have [ing crossed out] working digitoys, then we'll upload them for the $10 donors' and anyone else that asked for them.
[page break]
In other news', we are setting up a new studio in Miami to produce a TV series'.
It will take at least a year to get it functional, Because I will have to train all new artists, cartoonists, animators and assistants. mostly from scratch.
thanks to all!
John K
[page break]
[four pages of drawings]
Lets all go to STINKyTime Theatre
[crossed out: Where everyone is Ripe]
Bring your mom + pop
[drawing of cats in a car; behind, a cat in a bathtub]

Return of the Rat

I had turned the Ren and Stimpy Shit Storm blog off years ago, after it shut down a good number of Spumco related blogs because John K held his breathe and was pouting so very hard that there was conversation outside of his control about what he had to say. The constant personal attacks against me by a coterie of his supporters was unpleasant enough that I was willing to just declare a small victory that I had driven the man so insane he was willing to shut down his online life and require his followers to shut down theirs too, and I turned off this blog's availability.

I had thought that it was just that John K was such a control freak that he couldn't stand for anyone else talking about him. I thought it was just that he had to curate his reputation so that no one could question his fragile illusion of genius.

While I think those things may till be a part of it, I now wonder if there was a more specific pressing need behind the mad push against an easily accessible open forum to say whatever you might.

You've read this article, right? If not, go ahead and read it, thoroughly. Make sure you get to the end (sometimes you may think an ad signals the end, but keep scrolling to make sure there isn't more of it).

In retrospect I think an open (and inherently hostile) place to talk was more than a simple reputational threat. It represented a specific forum that specific issues might be raised in. Those issues have now been raised. There's no point in the members of the cult of personality fighting this anymore. 

There is a post or two earlier than this one that I made for my own reference after the initial run. There will be a few new posts after this on, to catch up on the last few years. I'll have some things to say. Maybe you will too. Try to be kind to each other. And for those who do not deserve kindness, nevertheless strive to be accurate.

The Storm is once again open.