Sunday, October 11, 2009

Passing Out Nails (Harvey Eisenberg Compositions)

Original thread:
John K Stuff: Harvey Eisenberg Compositions

I believe this unpublished comment was in the Eisenberg thread, but it may have been in the Bigloaf, as it is general, and not linked specifically to the content of either post.

"John, I invite you to direct posters you are unwilling to allow to post to go to
where they can post relatively easily.

RnSSS; for the rest of the conversation."


  1. Well duh. Why would he post that?

  2. Your threads at spumboard about this blog got deleted...

  3. Pholl: To send unwelcome posters away from his blog. Why wouldn't he post that?

    Anonymous: I'm sure Lyris has his reasons, and I would expect them to be in response to external pressures, tho he did not message me about this so that is strictly speculation on my part. No matter the reason, it illustrates the fundamental need for a place such as this in the highly redacted world of (CENSORED).

  4. You're taking this far too seriously, man. It's just a cartoonist with a blog... he can accept and deny anything he wants... He's not God. He's not the President. He's just a cartoonist, man.

    This is nuts...

  5. Ted, might I suggest that you only allow registered Blogger users to post here ?

  6. Why?
    If spam becomes a problem, I would implement it. But if there is a good reason to implement it now, it is not evident to me. But make your case if you like.

  7. Fair enough, it's your blog. Just suggestion is all.

  8. stuck in the vfx world , huh , Ted ?. frustrating, isn't it.

  9. No. My employment is unrelated to the entertainment industry.

  10. then how are you an expert on spumco out of question.

  11. The expertise necessary for this blog is in recognizing the strictures on other potential discussion venues.

    (What do you mean by "out of question"?)

    As for my expertise on Spumco: I can view, read, write and think. That puts me at least one up (and often four up) over many of the people also engaged in discussing the subject.

  12. wow. you sound like the exec's John writes about.

  13. Sounds like you have quite a social life...

  14. Boy Ted, you're really obsessed with John, aren't you? Is it because he won't let you post your long-winded, irrelevant posts that are actually a form of mental masturbation for you?

  15. Don't listen to the haters Ted.

  16. An interview from a former Spumco artist:

  17. An interview with Spumco artist Jack Martling:
