Monday, July 1, 2019


Comments from the third youtube version of Cans Without Labels, which was at

Comments captured 6/30/19 8:03 pm (3595 views 55 likes 176 dislikes) (6/29/19 8:15pm 2843 view 45 likes, 144 dislikes (6/28/19  6:46pm 1886 views, 35 likes, 94 dislikes (6/28/19 2:40PM 31 likes, 89 dislikes 1715 views (6/28/19 28 likes, 83 dislikes 1625 views (6/27/19 24 likes, 66 dislikes 4:55 PM 1076 views; 6/27/19 23 likes, 64 dislikes 1:45 PM (6/27/19 8:57AM 22likes 59 dislikes)

"Published on Jun 26, 2019
Goddammit, why did you motherfuckers lock me out of my YouTube account?! This is why YouTube has gone down the shitter! Instead of terminating the accounts of assholes, they lock me out of my account even though I did fuck all wrong! Cunts!

People who hate Cans Without Labels are stupid fucking negative nancies. It's fucking annoying as shit! Why does everyone hate John Kricfaulski? The negative nancies who criticise Cans Without Labels need to keep their fucking mouths shut. John Kricfaulski makes good animation, unlike what Seth MacFartlane has been shitting out with the Griffins Adult Party Block.

At least Angus Oblong isn't making cartoons anymore. There would be no hope for society if he ever made another cartoon. I would LOSE all faith in humanity if The Oblongs came back. Why the fuck do people like that show? It's very mean spirited, and the bullies never get their motherfucking comeuppance, and that only makes Satan very horny.
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3 hours ago
TheNolanKnight = John K. Hater
BracketNeutron37 Two
BracketNeutron37 Two
2 hours ago
Dorafan72' = John K. Apologist
2 hours ago
@BracketNeutron37 Two edit it to 73'
BracketNeutron37 Two
BracketNeutron37 Two
1 hour ago
@Dorafan73' Nah I'm keeping it as is.
3 hours ago
John K. Is a weird but dangerous pedophile.
BracketNeutron37 Two
BracketNeutron37 Two
5 hours ago
Still on YouTube surprisingly despite John K. taking down the others.

I sense a bias here.
SilvaZilla 88XO
SilvaZilla 88XO
7 hours ago
John’s 2D animation is still good, but the 3D objects and backgrounds really give it a poor look that reminds me of a PS1 cutscene. I can definitely see why people were disappointed with the end result after so many years. Hell, the storyboards felt better than this
Rafael Cetina
Rafael Cetina
11 hours ago
This is truly disappointing. I don't care if kricfalusi is thr worst human being alive, this crap is Boring as hell.
Uncreative Drawings Twenty
Uncreative Drawings Twenty
11 hours ago
Animated Atrocities
11 hours ago
Alright, I'll be honest. It's decent. Is it worth 140k? Hell no. But the animation is better than what u see on TV nowadays imo
BracketNeutron37 Two
BracketNeutron37 Two
5 hours ago
Stylistically it's more unique, but the 3D elements and general lack of form lower the quality a lot.
14 hours ago
The cartoon's finished, Ren.......
Uncreative Drawings Twenty
Uncreative Drawings Twenty
38 minutes ago (edited)
Would you like to see it?
big supreme
big supreme
14 hours ago (edited)
I would say this is good...if it didn't have damn near 140k tossed into it and take seven years to arrive. Not forgetting to mention that THIS is the supposedly finished product of the pedo who could've - at one point - been considered an industry professional?
Ducky Shincracker
Ducky Shincracker
16 hours ago
Don't understand why the dislike bar is so high. I thought the cartoon was alright. It's not John's masterpiece or anything and some of the camera movements are pretty awkward but it still had some decent jokes imo. That being said, even as a big fan of John's work, this is not worth 7 years of waiting and over 100,000 dollars thrown at it and it's sad this came out so late past its deadline. But hopefully with this finally being completed and John updating his blog more frequently now it's a sign that he's trying to better himself
13 hours ago
It's best the dude retires. He's now tainted as a pedophile and sexual predator and his credentials as an artist and animator are dying away. No one is going to forget that and it has tainted his work, including this very animation.
15 hours ago
The best thing John Kricfalusi could do at this point would be to permanently retire from animation. The "apology" he issued to Robyn and Katie for his deplorable actions was simply atrocious.
Danny Fire
Danny Fire
17 hours ago
It's as clear as opposite his writing that John K wrote the description.
18 hours ago
Not as good as The Oblongs.
Dan Pantzig!
Dan Pantzig!
19 hours ago
Clearly this is John K's channel, judging by that description. People hate him because he's an asshole and a scumbag. I can't imagine having donated to his kickstarter. This is garbage.
20 hours ago
Woah, I’m surprised he finished it.
Mevallanneous Bob
Mevallanneous Bob
20 hours ago
Instead of backing this, you coulda paid someone to beat you unconscious, throw you in a ditch, and then waterboard you back to consciousness, and it would have been way more worth it...
Mr. Yoshi
Mr. Yoshi
1 day ago
I feel VERY sorry for the people who donated $10,000 to this.
Teddy Furstman
Teddy Furstman
1 day ago (edited)
Damm it Where's Bluehilda when you need her already? Also, Yes I watch it and It's Awesome than this piece of crap. That has more of a Ren & Stimpy charm than this. Screw John K man. Go Watch Bluehilda guys.

P.S. Titmouse is better animation Studio already and is more Talented than John K any day now. How sad is that? Wish Bluehilda is greenlighted already.
Randy Brownfield
Randy Brownfield
1 day ago
I think this was actually pretty funny and enjoyable honestly, compared to
Most “clean” form of animation now a days, it’s funny writing and pretty gritty with the music style he always used. Now as a person he is someone with plenty of mental problems and made plenty of mistakes but personal view of someone shouldn’t attack the work, if you like ren and stimpy, you should honestly enjoy this
Teddy Furstman
Teddy Furstman
1 day ago
Alright, I see what you mean, but John K is a Terrible person to a Younger Generation of Animators even tho I love Ren and Stimy the classic years.
Randy Brownfield
Randy Brownfield
1 day ago
i Think no matter what it’s a mixed bag, but for young animators they should look past him as a person and more as an animator, Hand drawn works and story board work is a dying art and young animators should try and realize it’s good for different reasons than just script work
1 day ago
1 day ago (edited)
This looks like a pilot made in 4 months with a tenth of the budget.
Wait that’s insulting to animators who don’t make a living off of their main job

Why are the arms all over the place? And the camera keeps moving everywhere
Taylor Durette
Taylor Durette
6 hours ago
Yeah and in the opening zoom out shot, the zoom in shot that comes after, the kid on the left isn’t even in his fucking chair. It looks tucked in.
5 hours ago
Taylor Durette Oh goodness I just noticed that
1 day ago
Why the heck is the camera flying around the place?! It looks terrible!
1 day ago (edited)
oh god the description of this video is horrible. what the actual fuck were you thinking writing that
1 day ago
Unfortunately, it seems that even after it's clear that John Kricfalusi is utter scum, there are still people willing to defend him. And those John K apologists are apparently myopic enough to refuse to accept the truth that John K is an awful man no matter what you tell them.
Mister Johnson
Mister Johnson
1 day ago
I feel bad for the people who donated a large amount of money to John K's KickStarter expecting something great and getting this mediocre cartoon in return.
1 day ago
This short is the definition of complete total abysmal like shit that got fucked by rhinos all the damn time!
Hailey Shannon
Hailey Shannon
1 day ago
He did horrible things to people and acted like an asshole!
Angus still works and has a website, he doesn't care what you think of him!
Teddy Furstman
Teddy Furstman
1 day ago
Damm Johnny boy K here is a creep. >:(
Woody’s World
Woody’s World
1 day ago
Your description is worse than the fact it took 7 years to make this shit. I use to be a fan of John k till his life came to light. Now you should understandably people dislike him is your such a big fan you should know his life. 7 years and 140 k later for this cartoon.... that’s really sad.
1 day ago
i mean.. i thought he'd AT LEAST fix the audio. goddamn. disregarding everything else, this is some of the worst audio mixing ive ever heard. what a cluster fuck. the whole things irredeemable
1 day ago (edited)
How did it take 7 years to make this if the voice actor for George died in 2010? Did they just use old archival clips?
1 day ago
Most likely. If only old Mike Pataki lived to see what an utter monster John K truly was.
Basil Bonehead
Basil Bonehead
19 hours ago
His lines were recorded prior to his passing. This could be regarded as a posthumous release. Idk how to feel since some of his lines were obviously spliced in the most jankiest of ways.
1 day ago
Thanks for the reupload. The other one was taken down by john himself lel
1 day ago
Don't thank the uploader for anything. The only reason he re-uploaded the short is because he's one of John K's lingering fans who believe the bastard did nothing wrong.
BracketNeutron37 Two
BracketNeutron37 Two
5 hours ago
@GoliathGrowler That may also explain why the video has yet to be taken down like the others. He doesn't want to hurt his dwindling audience of mouthbreathers.
5 hours ago
@BracketNeutron37 Two Yeah. Issue a takedown for a video uploaded by one of the sane people who know what a creep he truly is, but do jack shit about an upload done by one of the few people still willing to support him? It makes total sense for John K to be an utter hypocrite!
1 day ago
Oh yeah i forgot. I dont pay attention to drama lol
MarshallW 190
MarshallW 190
1 day ago
Lol,  you are the worst type of asskisser, this reeks of lack of effort,  and it's pathetic,  John wasted other people's money on this that took 7 years,  also,  John K has no "haters" he's universally despised by everyone ,from actual professionals and his underaged victims he abused,  say what you will about Macfarlane,  but at least he didn't abuse underage girls and has range to his work,  you're a waste trying to defend him.
1 day ago
Universally despised? Tell that to the unbelievably obtuse people in the comments who have the audacity to defend John K after it's been publicly known that he's a sick fuck who molested underage girls.
Project RAZLAD
Project RAZLAD
1 day ago
The fuck is that. The fuck is you. Where the fuck am i
Sam Flemming
Sam Flemming
1 day ago
$140k for this shit? What a fucking ripoff.
1 day ago (edited)
To anyone who sees the comments by I Know All, don't answer to them. He's just going to call you names every time you explain to him why John Kricfalusi is a horrible person and the objective reasons for why he shouldn't be defended. I Know All apparently thinks that every argument can be refuted by calling us sane people ableist slurs and accusing us of indulging in a narcissistic fantasy world and bullshit like that.

Instead of replying to his comments, I advise everyone give his comments a thumbs down. Same goes for any other lunatic on here who insists on defending the awful piece of crap that is John K and ignoring all evidence we give that the arrogant asswipe has done the unforgivable. There's simply no getting through to him.
Shen Doodles
Shen Doodles
2 days ago
I commented before watching the full thing, so I now have a different opinion. This is one of the worst animations I've ever seen. Seven years and 140k for this?! At least Family Guy knows what it's doing and gets an occasional laugh. There's just nothing redeeming about this. They don't even have the animation chops to show the face. I'm sure it looks bad, but don't just tell me it does, fucking animate it. I want my money back and I didn't even pay for this.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
the animations ok kinda like some parts of the r&s piliot but not very good reminds me of animations i make kinda...which dont take 7 years and 140k to make thats for sure i mean im not saying my animation is better but 7 years come on normally most of mine take like a few hours or if i made 11 mins or stuff like that id take around 1 year (if i was really lazy and it was really well animated) but 7 come on thats an insane amount of time FOR THIS?
Shen Doodles
Shen Doodles
2 days ago
Everything is up for criticism. Especially John's character. Seth MacFarlane's making a lot of shit, but at least he didn't make Adult Party Cartoon.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
i think i like adult party cartoon better then cans without labels even
Mr. Therapist
Mr. Therapist
1 day ago
MacFarlane also wasn’t a piece of shit abuser who destroyed the lives of two young teenage girls for his own sick selfish desires.
2 days ago (edited)
Is anyone going to point out that at around 3:10 George clearly clips through the table?
2 days ago
Broke: Wife in a can
Woke: Canned Coochie
2 days ago
Imagine paying money and waiting 7 years for this shitshow
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
yeah thats not good at all the best thing about this was the animation and even then it looks like the worst animated parts of ren and stimpy both og and apc ren and stimpy so its very meh
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
Pretty good, these spergs down in the comment section are probably just upset with it not being animated by a soulless Korean sweatshop with soyboy writers.
MarshallW 190
MarshallW 190
1 day ago
Yawn,  try coming up with an ACTUAL argument instead of asskissing John like a defensive sperg.
1 day ago
@MarshallW 190 Except for using that last remark (I am an actual person with Aspergers', so I find use of the word "sperg" offensive), I completely agree with you.
2 days ago
You don't deserve to be taken seriously because you're resorting to using ableist slurs as insults toward your opposition. I have been diagnosed with Aspergers', and it pisses me off that you think calling people you don't agree with "sperg" is acceptable.

Regardless of the cartoon's quality, it doesn't change the fact that the guy who made it is an awful person who molested underage girls.

As far as I'm concerned, you and everyone else who dares to defend John Kricfalusi and what he's done can go fuck yourselves!
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler as for me i just like ren and stimpy and dont really care for what the creator did but yeah cans without labels isnt very good (dont judge me for liking a cartoon ok just cuz a man behind the cartoon was a bad man) but after watching parts of this cans without labels im pretty sure that john k didnt have alot to do with ren and stimpy not even adult party cartoon really so the only things i liked about john ks cartoons and there not even made by him much
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler You autists have a lot of behavioral issues, did Mommy not let you watch My Little Pony or something? It's funny how you epitomize everything I said about you narcissistic aspies. I can just imagine in real life when things don't go your way, you start throwing your diaper at whoever wronged you in your mind. What a man child freak you must be, lmao.
Shen Doodles
Shen Doodles
2 days ago
@I Know All You're the human equivalent of Cans Without Labels.
2 days ago
@Shen Doodles Nice comeback, bro! :)
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler The aspie echo chamber ensues, maybe you could discuss your favorite brand of diaper and My Little Pony figurines xD
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@Shen Doodles But I've never been so right about you man children who watch My Little Pony, hating on John because you live in an autistic fantasy world.
John Hiccup
John Hiccup
1 day ago
I Know All w-what,is this English?
1 day ago
@John Hiccup Search me. I Know All has nothing to say to anyone but to spew bullcrap on how John Kricfalusi is innocent and that anyone who disagrees is a pathetic man-baby who wears diapers. And if you try to explain to him why John K shouldn't be defended, he won't listen and will continue babbling about how John K didn't do anything wrong, the evidence proving otherwise are all lies, and that anyone who rightly insists that John K is a creep is a delusional crybaby.
Kelsey Sanders
Kelsey Sanders
2 days ago
MrEnter is going to tear into this soon.
Teddy Furstman
Teddy Furstman
1 day ago
Agree with yeah, Save Us, Mr. Enter!

2 days ago (edited)
Pretty damn terrible.That's all I can say. If this gets taken down, that's for the better.
Highlighted reply
2 days ago
I'd like that. If this video was taken down, it'd take all the moronic comments from the John K apologists with it.
2 days ago
Not really. Anyone who wants to see the previous messages from the other YouTube versions, see:

2 days ago
I wanna say that the uploader's memeing and everyone is taking his comments at face value too much
1 day ago
Considering the uploader's history on the internet, he is serious.
Steve K
Steve K
20 hours ago
Nah he’s actually serious
Michael Paone Productions
Michael Paone Productions
1 day ago
had a feeling that he was a troll
Savie S
Savie S
3 days ago
Apparently the two random cameos at the end were his biggest donors to his project; a husband and wife who gave the guy $10,000 so they could be in the short.
John Hiccup
John Hiccup
1 day ago
Savie S I wonder if they’re divorced lmao
James Paul
James Paul
22 hours ago
They're probably not happy about that anymore.
Dirk Turtle
Dirk Turtle
3 days ago
This is like fan art of fan art.
Compo Flask
Compo Flask
3 days ago
I don’t agree with most of this uploader’s description, but the way they write has so much energy I can’t help but enjoy reading it, in a bizarre way
Gerb Mooq
Gerb Mooq
3 days ago
this is so incredibly fucking shit
Mr. Therapist
Mr. Therapist
3 days ago (edited)
Except Seth MacFarlane wasn’t an arrogant, violent pedophilic predator who hurt not only his collaborators by constantly delaying production and abusing anyone who didn’t produce “quality work” but he ruined the lives of two young girls who only wanted to pursue their dreams in animation.

John Kricfalusi is the worst animator of all time, the worst filmmaker of all time and a horrible person. People like him are the reason why the auteur mindset has taken a massive beating. Because of pieces of shit LIKE HIM who deserve nothing more than to be beaten up for their crimes. I hate his work (Yes, even his Ren and Stimpy work) and I sure as hell hate him as a person.

For someone who’s supposed to be a perfectionist, kindergarteners would have produced better drawing than this disgusting work.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
i really like ren and stimpy and george liquor was funny in the banned ep of r&s mans best friend and i liked a little of apc but everything else by john k isnt very good expecially this one called cans without labels (um dont judge me for liking ren and stimpy ok and yes ik that the adult party cartoon is bad but i found some parts really funny or wtf ok) but yeah this cans without labels is very bad i cant even watch it all the way through
3 days ago
It's my opinion that John Kricfalusi is a disgusting excuse of a human being who deserves to be locked up for life and that The Oblongs is a cartoon of average quality, plus I outright despise Family Guy and hope that Disney cancels the show once the currently ordered seasons have finished airing all their episodes.

I can understand why The Oblongs has detractors, but it still had its moments as far as I'm concerned and while the Hill people didn't face complete repercussions for their nasty ways, they didn't exactly go through unscathed. They actually got humiliated a few times!

I'd much rather see a revival of The Oblongs than another episode of Family Guy or John "I'm a pedo" Kricfalusi making another cartoon hoping that the piece of shit he makes will make us forget that he sexually abused an asston of underage girls. So what if this makes me a negative nancy? By calling your opposition names, you're making it impossible for sane people to take you seriously and removing whatever doubt there was of you being as much of an asshole as John K, you fucking apologist!
Hella Brany
Hella Brany
2 days ago
John K being a disgusting human being isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
2 days ago
@Hella Brany No argument there. It's just frustrating trying to get through to all these idiots who stubbornly insist on believing that John K did nothing wrong.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler most of his cartoons arent very good ether only ren and stimpy and even then alot of the better story lines in that cartoon was made by other people not him the only things the guys good at in cartoons is grossout art and animation and even then after watching cans without labels i dont think hes that great with animation even so just art and grossout
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@Hella Brany His hate group are ten times worse.
2 days ago
@I Know All I pity you, for the only reason you could keep spitting out so many baseless insults for this long would be if you had a shitty life. Making me angry may have been a game to you, but I'm done playing. I'm through letting you get to me. You sound like a broken record now. Go home.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler Lol, I would feel bad for you if you weren't such a malicious little narcissist with a victim complex.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
This has to be the most autistic comment I've read, this sums up the mentality of John's little hate group.
2 days ago
@I Know All It's far more than just a hate group, you obnoxious dipshit. The reason we all hate John Kricfalusi is because it is an objective fact that he's a horrible person. He's spent years being a cruel boss to his employees, attacking popular works for trivial reasons, and the revelation that he sexually abused Robyn Bird and Katie Rice has pretty much made what remaining sane fans he had turn their back on him forever.

BTW, I actually have autism, I am embarrassed that the guy who uploaded this video has it too and is continuing to reinforce the negative stereotype that people with autism are jerks, and I am offended that you'd stoop to such a low as using an ableist slur to insult people.

If you idiots continuing to blindly support John K have nothing to say aside from insulting the people rightly criticizing the shitty things he's done or insisting that the bastard did nothing wrong, then you all should just shut the fuck up!
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler i dont like john k much i mean the og first 2 seasons of r&s were good and some parts of apc (dont judge me for saying that i realize alot of adult party was bad but it had funny or wtf moments atleast) but every other cartoon hes made isnt very good
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler I know you being a self centered sperg it must be hard for you to understand slander, and the concept of being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, especially with not being charged with anything. But I gotta say, my favorite autistic moment from you is demanding no one criticize you, and then you go onto to maliciously insult whoever isn't giving you what you want for once. I'm not your Mommy, I couldn't imagine anyone taking your man child fantasies as seriously as you want people to.
2 days ago
@I Know All Just because John Kricfalusi wasn't arrested for molesting underage girls doesn't mean he didn't do it! Lots of people have gotten away with all sorts of horrible shit because too many people were willing to look the other way and not turn them in.

I never said that no one was allowed to criticize me. What I said was that you and everyone else standing up for John Kricfalusi are being assholes by calling us "spergs" just because we disagree with you.
3 days ago
God the sound mixing and camera is so fucking bad
Austin J. Jenkins
Austin J. Jenkins
3 days ago
Honesty, i like it. Not great, but it's fine.
If you want to fight about it thad, i'll be glad to.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
Ohh, watch out. Thad: The King of all Sperg's will unleash his legions of autists onto you.
2 days ago
@I Know All You're a horrible person for defending a pedophile and using ableist slurs to insult people you disagree with. Fuck you!
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler Here's one of you sperg's right now having an autistic episode.
2 days ago
@I Know All I'm not having an episode. You're just calling me names because it makes you feel better and you won't admit the horrible human being you are.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler Hypocrisy much, eh aspie?
2 days ago
@I Know All You're the one who's being hypocritical. You're droning on and on about how everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and responding to the people who rightly point out what a piece of shit you're being with nothing more than the same tired bullshit of how John Kricfalusi did nothing wrong and that we're worthless crybabies for daring to say anything negative about him or his supporters.

I laugh again because you've proven that you have nothing better to do than to keep insulting me and everyone else who disagrees with you. I'd parrot all those stupid insults you've hurled my way, but you're simply not worth it.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler When did I ever swear at people? You've done all that, I'm only making observations and you vindicated me when you said you're autistic. I'm only following the law, I'm not trying to play judge, jury and executioner like you are. That's a very serious and harmful thing to do to someone's reputation. What has John done? Where's the arrest, charges and convictions? Care to explain? Because it's all in your head.
2 days ago
@I Know All If anything's only in someone's head, it's your nonsensical rambling on how me admitting I have autism means I'm delusional. That's pretty much all you've been rambling about. It's getting old. I'm simply too tired to give you what I want. If you want more "make the sperg lash out at me so I can laugh at him" crap, you may as well start a conversation with one of the other commenters, because I'm done playing your game already.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler It's funny, I started out making just a general observation and to be vindicated by a large degree is something else.
Austin J. Jenkins
Austin J. Jenkins
2 days ago
@I Know All wait trill they hear what i think about the porky pig 101 dvd set. That'll light the match for good
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@Austin J. Jenkins Speak of the devil, we have one of his autistic minions fittingly sperging out here.
2 days ago
@I Know All Seriously, shut the fuck up. Calling us "autistic" or "sperg" isn't cool. It's accomplishing nothing but removing any doubt that you are a bad person.
Nicholas Reynolds
Nicholas Reynolds
3 days ago (edited)
This is a finished product? Looks more unfinished to me!

Oh and theres also this: 6:01
2 days ago
its an animated film that had a budget of 140,000 dollars. I'm amazed we got what we did get.
♆ Satan ♆
♆ Satan ♆
3 days ago
I'm very horny
3 days ago
This feels unreal that we're actually watching this finished. Although there are some parts that still look unfinished in my opinion.
2 days ago
MultiCoolmovies not even in your opinion, they just are
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@jinpayne this isnt very good
Hella Brany
Hella Brany
3 days ago
This looks ok, but it isn't worth 140k and 7 years.
3 days ago
What do you expect,John K. Didn't have Rights to the DVD until 2016 I think...
2 days ago
for a movie with that low of a budget, the character animation is not that bad.
A_Tasty_ Treat
A_Tasty_ Treat
3 days ago
This isn't the worst thing nor is it hard to watch, but it shouldn't cost 140k+ to make this.

that and.... John K is a pedophile
3 days ago
Since he was angry and depressed, of course he couldn't finish it on time!
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
He isn't a pedo, that was some Buzzfeed hit piece. No arrest or charges were even handed down, but you spergs will believe your own narcissistic fantasies.
2 days ago
@I Know All You're the one who's living a narcissistic fantasy, you ableist troll.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler What part of him not being convicted of these crimes you spergs keep accusing him of is a troll? Are you judge, jury and executioner, now?
3 days ago
Ummmm we hate John K because he is an egotistical piece of shit, a pedophile/sexual predator or abuser and because of the fact that he thinks he is a god among animators. He thinks that animators like Glen Keane, Richard Williams, Andreas Deja, Brad Bird, James Baxter and other great contemporary animators are beneath him
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
I think you haters are the narcissistic, superficial, diaper wearing man child lying pieces of shit.
2 days ago
@I Know All You're a pot calling us kettles black. Fuck you for joining the myopic pieces of shit defending the Lord God King Piece of Shit that is John Kricfalusi.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler I don't think John has much to worry about, when his haters are all spergy, short tempered lunatics. I honestly haven't heard one convincing argument against him, it's all just autistic ramblings with the expectation I need to believe in your narcissistic fantasy because you just want everything to go your way. That's not how the world works, we have a right to fair trial, and he hasn't even been charged or arrested.
2 days ago
@I Know All You want proof that John Kricfalusi is a bad person who shouldn't be defended? Is that what it will take to make you shut up already?

I'll gladly oblige by giving not one, but TWO links to videos backing up every accusation people have made towards John K.

If you reply to this with more inane rants on how John Kricfalusi is still innocent, everyone who says he's an asshole is wrong, and that I'm a mentally deficient loser who shits himself every five minutes, then I'll know that you didn't even bother to watch either video.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler Again, it's just autistic ramblings I've seen million times before. He would need to be either arrested, charged and convicted to make your argument plausible. I've read The Buzzfeed article, I've watched those videos before, I know about Byrd and Rice construing and fabricating things. No wonder the cops aren't bothering, his witch hunting mob are nuts.
2 days ago
@I Know All Now you're just grasping at straws, because it's highly probable you lied about watching the videos just so I'd get off your case.

Well, the joke is on you. I'm not the only person here on the Internet.You sound like a broken record, I'm done playing, and from now on I'm going to just sit back and see how other people react to your triggering bullshit in addition to your desperate attempts to prove that we're all insane for saying the truth about John Kricfalusi.

You could've gotten help and asked people to assist in overcoming your social problems, but no! You thought that the best way to cope with your personal problems is to hurl insults at everyone who disagrees with you. If your goal was to make me mad at you, you did not succeed.

All you've accomplished is make me laugh by continuing to cling to your delusion that John Kricfalusi is a good boy and ignore all evidence given to you that he's a horrid son of a bitch. Your attempts at getting me down were funny at first, but they've worn out their novelty.

Unless you can refute my claims of John K being a dickhead with something you haven't already said a hundred times before, we're done here. Enjoy trying to bug people by replying to every single comment you're given with worthless efforts in pissing us off, because I really don't give a shit whatever else you have to say to me at this point. Even if I do read it, I'm not going to bother replying.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@GoliathGrowler What do you mean I didn't watch it? They were all baseless allegations mixed with things twisted or out of context. You're taking it as gospel, instead of carefully critically thinking if these statements are even true. In fact, if they were valid, the authorities would have arrested him, but of course, nothing. If this is your final goodbye, all I have to say is, I've observed his little hate brigade and came to the conclusion a lot these people are autistic or are projecting their own shortcomings onto him. Speaking with you and a few others on here, it vindicated how right I was even without personally interacting but observing it from a far how self entitled and socially inept his haters really are. Even if hypothetically John is this bogeyman, you witch hunters are psychopathic, too.
21 hours ago
@I Know All the reason why he never got in trouble with the authorities is because his lawyer defended him with the fact that John KidFuckerlusi has ADHD. ADHD doesn't give him the excuse to be a pedophile but he got it anyway
15 hours ago
@MalakaiXedTheAnimator Don't bother trying to explain to I Know All why John Kricfalusi doesn't deserve to be defended. He's just going to keep giving ludicrous fallacies on how John K is completely innocent, the evidence saying otherwise is false, and that anyone who believes the evidence is a worthless manchild who isn't toilet-trained.

Bottom line: Getting through to I Know All just isn't worth it.
15 hours ago
@GoliathGrowler ironic because his name is "I Know All" yet they don't know anything
15 hours ago
@MalakaiXedTheAnimator Very well put. A more appropriate username would be "I Don't Know Jack Shit".
I Know All
I Know All
20 hours ago
@MalakaiXedTheAnimator Another autistic response.
Zak Wood
Zak Wood
3 days ago
"Why does everyone hate John K?"

This should help explain:
3 days ago
yeaaaaa no way this costed $140k lmao
3 days ago
Of course not. He pocketed most of the money like any sleezy Kickstarter project like this.
Hailey Shannon
Hailey Shannon
1 day ago
Foodfight is better than this!
2 days ago
Guys! Its an animated film that only had 140,000 dollars to its name. Its amazing we got this quality animation at all. You got to realize how much work, money, and effort is put into ANY animated film.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@MrDrawingboard1 ok i guess my animations i make always cost like 100k dollors everytime i make 1 then
2 days ago
@powerstar 2028 dude, look at the credits, look how many people were involved? How many people did they get to NOT include in the credits. Theres a shit ton of people working on it. Also be considerate of schedule and how long it takes to make something. You really can't get much with a ton of people on board and a 140,000 dollar budget.
5 hours ago
MrDrawingboard1 Shouldn’t take 7 years to make something this poorly put together
12 hours ago
@MrDrawingboard1 Regardless of the work's quality, it doesn't change the fact that the guy who made it is an awful human being whose only defenders are deplorable assholes as unapologetic and myopic as he is.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@MrDrawingboard1 They won't, they're self entitled narcissists who hate John anyway.
2 days ago
@I Know All oh I don't expect them to grow up, I'm just describing the case of the situation here.
Alice Borealis
Alice Borealis
4 days ago
"Why does everyone hate John Kricfaulski?"
Asshole, Sexual assault on vulnerable minors, the fact that it took 7 years and 140k to make... whatever this is when better animation has been made for cheaper.
4 days ago
Careful, this man child (03bgood, not John K) is somewhat infamous for nonstop bitching about adult cartoons that don't matter like the Oblongs, he wanted to make a cartoon totally not ripping of the Powerpuff Girls in every way, constantly bitches at Nintendo for not adding in new games every week on the Virtual Console as if that company's obligated to do so, and even made a threatening video about people being taken by Isis for not liking Dumb & Dumber 2. tl;dr: The man's mentally ill and won't listen to reason.
TVCraze2300 TV
TVCraze2300 TV
3 days ago
​@TheNolanKnight Generally, I don't have a problem with his opinion on John K., but that's part of the problem - he needs to respect others opinions (and actually try and see why we have our opinion about John).
3 days ago
@TVCraze2300 TV Oh easier said than done with 03bgood. The man(child) has a history of being stingy with other people's opinions about certain things that aren't really important, especially if it involves John Kricfalusi of all people. Look at his ED page on the guy and you'll see that man isn't right in the head (if autism isn't enough to explain why he acts like this). The man has no respect for other people's opinions and in his mindset only his words matter when they don't.
2 days ago
@TheNolanKnight He's also got a bunch of people who actually agree with his insane bullshit. Literally everyone not commenting on why John K is a bad person is idiotically defending him and his actions and calling the people who don't agree with them ableist slurs.
3 days ago
Okay, something like this should take EITHER 7 years or 140k. Not both.
Gskittlez Boss
Gskittlez Boss
4 days ago
That was fucking weird.. and hilarious I love it 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Carter M.
Carter M.
4 days ago (edited)
This is what all that Kickstarter money went to? I mean it's okay, but it's not high art
3 days ago
its an animated film that cost only 140,000 dollars. The character animiation for the most part is pretty impressiive for a short with that low of a budget.
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@MrDrawingboard1 You gotta understand, John hurt my feelings so he's a horrible monster who ripped everybody off!
2 days ago
Look, everybody is aware of the things he has done but thats not what I was talking about. I'm just saying its a 140,000 dollar animated movie, you shouldn't expect great quality animation. Especially from a guy whose work never really had great quality animation to begin with, in my opinion anyway.
powerstar 2028
powerstar 2028
2 days ago
@MrDrawingboard1 i thought ren and stimpy had preety good animation and the adult spin off had good art but thats about it
2 days ago
@powerstar 2028 hmmm....if you think that, awesome. For me, they had these extreme expressions...and that was kind of it for me
I Know All
I Know All
2 days ago
@MrDrawingboard1 I was joking, he did a fine job with what he had to work with. I was only mocking his self entitled autistic hate club.
4 days ago (edited)
reading the description Well can't wait until Johnny takes your video down for copyright infringement and you'll be bitchin' about him too. BTW how's the Power of Four coming along lol
03bgood 2
03bgood 2
4 days ago
3 days ago
@03bgood 2 No, you fuck off for defending a pedophile.
Steve K
Steve K
20 hours ago
03bgood 2 you know you could’ve acted like an adult and get a life but instead you’re here
MarshallW 190
MarshallW 190
1 day ago
@03bgood 2 No,  YOU fuck off,  buddy.
3 days ago
Fuck You Nolan!
Mewx Productions
Mewx Productions
3 days ago
Dorafan73' lmao
Fernando Alegre
Fernando Alegre
4 days ago
This was HELL to watch.
Sam Flemming
Sam Flemming
1 day ago
I'm pretty sure Hell isn't much of a proper enough description...
Teddy Furstman
Teddy Furstman
1 day ago
Not just HELL a Nightmare! The Horror!"

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