The comments from
Here they are:
Mike said...
Wow another attack on both Kali and John. You're in for it now. lol
8:03 AM
ryan said...
i wouldn't really call it an attack (except for the John K jabs). i would say it's merely an observation :)
10:36 AM
Thad said...
Ryan you're spot on.
Sleeping with John K buys you favors.
Thanks for the laugh.
2:00 PM
Duck Dodgers said...
you made me laugh our REALLY loud.
You rule!!
2:17 PM
Anonymous said...
you need to hear "The Revels - Comanche" over that last part.
2:35 PM
crsP said...
'Woody Woodpecker'. It's like that character's name was created years ago specifically for the use in your throwaway gag decades later!
You've got some nice expressions and posing going on there. Highlights for me include you thinking, the finger snapping [although you start with the left hand and end up snapping with the right?!], the one where he's grabbing onto you and it looks like he just said 'golF', the one where you 'dink' him on the chin [that's such a patronising thing people do in real life, or tv at least!], and the next one, where you didn't seem to mind making yourself look like a camp boyscout leader. Aside from that it's all shit and you should be ashamed of yourself!
I actually think that when John Kricfalusi sees this, he'll find it funny [I write that with no sarcasm]. I know it's a long shot but I hope he retaliates with a strip of his own
5:33 PM
Anonymous said...
No, he'll burn up from it, because he most certainly is going to the boneyard with Kali.
5:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow, that is really rude. Who do you think you are? You need a good ass kicking.
6:44 PM
James said...
Hey Ryan. Loved the comic, it was funny. I wanna do a cartoon dvd commentary, but too bad there are no John K's near me.
Ohh and I finally signed up for a blogger account! Ain't it great!
6:47 PM
Anonymous said...
is this how you get readers for your blog? whatever happened to go quality work? not bashing other people just to get attention. pathetic.
6:58 PM
ryan said...
Wow, that is really rude.
John is the rudest person on Earth and only his fanboys & pathetic circle of blind robot zombies would disagree.
You need a good ass kicking.
Are you going to do it anonymous? Or are you just going to continue being an anonymous pussy.
is this how you get readers for your blog?
Yes. Pretty low tactic, huh? And I'm totally basking in it.
7:47 PM
Eddie Fitzgerald said...
I don't understand why you're so outraged. Sure John invites Kali to do commentaries sometimes. So what? No historians were bumped to make room for her. I'm not aware that she interrupted John or prevented him from making a point.
If having a friend there relaxed him, then what's the harm?
12:28 AM
ryan said...
I don't understand why you're so outraged
Hey Eddie,
I'm not outraged. I just find it funny that Kali is doing commentaries on classic animation DVDs when, uh, who is she? Really? Someone who's dating John K? Yeah.. that qualifies as merit for doing a commentary I guess? Haha, I just find it very amusing.
This comic is just a satirical way of saying "If you touch John's privates you can do a commentary rather you are qualified to or not." And as for anything 'mean' in the comic it is all directed at John Asshole Kricfalusi, because he is an asshole.
No historians were bumped to make room for her.
Wouldn't bother me if they were. It is the mere hilarious fact that she is on a DVD doing commentary.
If having a friend there relaxed him, then what's the harm?
No harm. I, again, just think it's funny that she is on there at all.
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
ryan is just a spoiled little brat and if everything doesn't go his way (for example kali being on the dvd) he throws a baby fit and does shit like this to get attention. it's unfortunate and childish.
12:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Soo.... does this mean you're gay?
12:59 AM
ryan said...
Is this Marlo Skankins? Even if it's not..
Hey Marlo,
You are a skank.
1:03 AM
Anonymous said...
You seem like someone who JohnK hasn't payed enough attention to. It'll be okay.
Just keep practicing and one day you may have a hit cartoon show that you can talk about when you're 53 years old.
3:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Actually, in the grand scheme of things, people like Ray Pointer and Bob Jacques WERE bumped in favor of John K (who is not an expert on Fleischer cartoons) and his fuck buddy. So there.
7:14 AM
Jimmy said...
"John is the rudest person on Earth and only his fanboys & pathetic circle of blind robot zombies would disagree."
or as I like to call them, members of the JKK. You totally hit the nail on the head with the comic. Nice work.
8:06 AM
ryan said...
Just keep practicing and one day you may have a hit cartoon show that you can talk about when you're 53 years old.
Don't worry, I'll have more than just one, and I won't milk it for 30 years instead of making ANOTHER hit. And when I DO make that hit I won't get my stupid ass fired from it.
10:53 AM
J. J. Hunsecker said...
Hey Ryan, that was a very funny comic strip!! I laughed out loud several times. Your Kricfalusi caricature was dead on.
I don't see the harm in this strip, either. Again, it's just a satirical jab at John K's behavior, not a slam at Kali. I also don't understand the defensive attitude that you're not allowed to criticize a quasi-celebrity since you never produced an animated show yourself. Anyone is entitled to ridicule those who behave ridiculously, even if that person is one's so-called "better".
But Ryan, I have to say I don't understand the attack on Marlo. She is a very talented individual and, as far as I know, she hasn't indulged in the type of behavior that John K has.
12:24 PM
ryan said...
Hi j.j., thanks for stopping by!
as far as I know, she hasn't indulged in the type of behavior that John K has.
As far as you know.
12:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Everytime your blog has a dry spell you have to say some shit about John. You've been doing this for years... literally. SAD.
3:12 PM
Thad said...
If you use the labels, Ryan's only had 4 John K posts. All of them quite hilarious, IMO. It's a great way to get reactions though.
Hey Ryan, have you heard if John has seen these? He's banned me from commenting on his blog (more than half the time they're not even insulting comments) and he deleted the link to my blog awhile ago for standing up to him. (Oh my.)
3:24 PM
ryan said...
There sure are a lot of pussies out there who are afraid of letting this scrawny 80 pound artist know who their real names are.
You guys afraid of me or something?
3:27 PM
christopher said...
Ryan this stuff cracks me up! I questioned this very thing on CartoonBrew when Jerry Beck announced the contents for the Popeye set. John left a reply that having Kali there relaxed him and gave him and Eddie someone to bounce jokes off of.
Even if someone could interpret this comic as childish, when it's this funny how can you care? John K is still a hero of mine but I've learned sometimes you have to separate the work from the man.
Ryan, cartoony jabs aside, after you discovered that he was an asshole and before the comics on your blog do you think you still would have worked for him?
P.S.- I read your blog even when there isn't a John K cartoon up...
3:33 PM
ryan said...
Hey Ryan, have you heard if John has seen these?
Havn't heard, but I'm sure he has.
He's banned me from commenting on his blog (more than half the time they're not even insulting comments) and he deleted the link to my blog awhile ago for standing up to him. (Oh my.)
3:33 PM
Norman Bates said...
John's had a lot of sexual liaisons in his time. He was fooling around with another young 'girl artist' about ten years ago and had his face lifted for her.
He treated Lynne Naylor like shit when they were together.
For an allegedly straight HE-KIRKDOUGLAS-MAN, John's cartoons feature a lot of homosexuality. (Gandy/Sourpuss, Ren/Stimpy, Ranger/Yogi.) Peter North would be proud.
3:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't know. This seemed pretty pointless. The whole "John K's an asshole" thing is old news to everyone, and why bring Kali and Marlo into this? It just looks like you're trying to stir up drama so people will give you attention.
5:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey, if JohnK said my drawings looked gay I'd go after him too.
I hope you do have more than one successful cartoon, Ryan. And I hope you have the wisdom and common sense to treat people right no matter if you're successful or not.
8:57 PM
Bob Camp said...
Hey Ryan, Your drawings really crack me up. The acting, posing and expressions are priceless!
7:01 AM
Adam Blake said...
That comic gave me a really good laugh. :)
7:11 AM
Norman Bates said...
Hey Ryan have you checked out MY blog lately?
7:38 AM
Anonymous said...
LOL norman bates is probably ryans other blog
3:40 PM
ryan said...
chris: thanks dude :)
Ryan, cartoony jabs aside, after you discovered that he was an asshole and before the comics on your blog do you think you still would have worked for him?
Norman: you're dead on about that homosexuality thing.
anon#1: I dont need drama to get attention, though it does give me more of it.
anon#2: thanks buddy :)
bob: Hahah I knew you'd like it! :D
norman: haha that's pretty insane dude.
anon#3: if it were, i would have it under my own name. this comic should make it obvious that i'm not afraid to share my opinions.
everyone i didnt respond to who said something nice: YALL BE TIGHT
3:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow, you got a comment from Bob Camp. Awesome.
1:41 PM
Rich Dannys said...
Dude, that's some HI-larious stuff!! haha
Basically sez what most have been thinking privately, for some time..
I'll confess I still follow John's Blog regularly. It's a good read, usually.
But he censored a completely innocuous posted Comment of mine, awhile back.. And I know I'm not the only one. So the guy definitely knows how to hold a grudge!
The annoying part, is that the Blog rarely features anyone challenging John's opinions, due to his banning Comment posts. It's a constant (boring!) chorus of the Converted.
The same thing used to occur on the olde Spumco site forum, back in the day.. But Steve Girth, was the one doing the editing/deleting..
Too many of what John refers to, as: "Hecklers"?!
Whatever. If he enjoys living in a vacuum tube.. Then, so be it.
8:06 PM
I.M. Weasel said...
Dude, that was fantastic.
I like your drawing style too...for what its worth.
8:26 PM
Norman Bates said...
Hey Rich-
A friend of mine concocted the nickname 'Girth'. I'm glad it's caught on.
How does Girth feel these days? Like a roach I hope.
8:45 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
Holy shit, is everone in your fucked up industry in high school? How old are you, Ryan? What's the point getting worked up over such a non-issue?!?
Thank God I didn't try to get into Sheridan, working in an industry filled with petty immature babies like yourself for little money and creative freedom would have been torture.
I always read Hollywood blogs about how the executives are oppressing the creatives in the film, TV and animation industry. Sounds like they need to get a tighter rein over you young motherfuckers if they're gonna make any money. If I was an executive I'd have contempt for you guys, too. Ditch this shit. You babies are worse than gossiping 14 year old girls. I've never seen so much backstabbing and covert shit talking in my life.
9:29 AM
Norman Bates said...
Go away and let us have our fun without your John K and Girth ass kissing.
11:43 AM
Anonymous said...
2:36 PM
Anonymous said...
unless you like this post, you really shouldn't even bother commenting. all ryan wants is a bunch of attention/comments (as with every other "john k" post he does). i am sure he woke up this morning and said "wow i am up to 40-something comments! awesome!" and that was the only part that mattered. he is childish and immature and for some unknown reason thinks he is funny by doing this. it's really just old an pathetic now. i am sure that is why john k doesn't even respond to this bullshit. as much as ryan likes to degrade him (even though he copies john's style verbatim, which is the strangest part), he [john] actually has a life, and real things to do, he probably doesn't want to waste his time with this petty bullshit. ryan on the other hand has A LOT of free time. and this is sadly how he chooses to use it. the thing is, this goes far deeper than anything on the surface. it really is an internal NEED for attention. he is like a child, as other commenters have said. he thinks this will make him look cool and tough, which is all he wants anyone to think. even the people that leave negative comments are fine, that is why he keeps them on here. ANY form of attention, good or bad, is what he thrives for, like a 10 year old child. he is in his mid-twenties but hasn't aged a day since middle school.
for the record: i am not a fan of john k, by any means. this comment isn't in defense of him, it is more in utter pity of ryan khatam.
3:08 PM
ryan said...
Jorge you are such a little bitch to the whole John K click. Isn't there an asshole someplace that needs brown nosing? Get to it.
3:08 PM
ryan said...
all ryan wants is a bunch of attention/comments
Actually all I wanted was to draw a funny comic about a humorous situation - and I did!
PS Thanks for the attention!
3:17 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
It's spelled "clique" and you're supposed to capitalize words when you begin sentences, dumbass.
"The invalids are running wild!"
3:34 PM
Norman Bates said...
You're right, Jorge, "everone" here is a whiny bitch.
Have fun smoking JK's cock with Kali. Send Steve the Hutt our love too.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Jorge, have you drawn anything lately?
4:30 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
Asking me that is like me asking you if you've written a formal new venture plan or done differential calculus lately.
By the way, there's a difference between a typo and a misspelling. Also, your grammar make me [sic]
Aren't type battles fun? We're flaming like it's 1998, it's still Web 1.0, and anyone still gave a shit!
Windows 95 sucks! Go Netscape!
5:13 PM
Norman Bates said...
Hey dumb-ass, "everone" IS a misspelling of "everyone".
BTW, such masterful grammar... "your grammar make me [sic]." LOLZ.
5:43 PM
Anonymous said...
I always read Hollywood blogs about how the executives are oppressing the creatives in the film, TV and animation industry. Sounds like they need to get a tighter rein over you young motherfuckers if they're gonna make any money. If I was an executive I'd have contempt for you guys, too.
If you were an executive, you wouldn't need to draw, would you? Sounds like your type of job!
7:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Asking me that is like me asking you if you've written a formal new venture plan or done differential calculus lately.
Not really, Jorge. I don't frequent formal venture plan blogs, or differential calculus blogs (even if there were such things). Why do you hang out at cartoonists' blogs when you aren't a cartoonist in this "fucked up industry" (your words)?
9:48 AM
ryan said...
Sounds like they need to get a tighter rein over you young motherfuckers if they're gonna make any money. If I was an executive I'd have contempt for you guys, too.
You're a dumb idiot for saying stupid shit like this, Jorge. I hope every artist that comes to this blog will remember your name.
10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
every "artist" that comes to this blog...
HAH! i don't think many REAL artists give a shit about your 'work'
1:02 PM
Looney Moon Cartoons said...
Ryan, this cartoon is FUNNY. All you anonymous haters need to get some hobbies or something. Don't you realize how pointless arguing on the internet is.
8:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Then quit arguing, looney.
12:22 AM
Jack said...
Hahahaha that's awesome. Fuck the haters.
9:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Hahahah, holly shit. This is fucking hilarious.
That whole situation is pathetic really, I agree.
Awesome way to joke about it. It's perfectly drawn and hilarious all the way.
You rule
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
My friend on Raketu kept instant messaging me to check out this awesome cartoon strip on your site. Boy, am I glad she did. Good shit!
2:21 PM
Anonymous said...
norman bates is probably ryans other blog
norman bates is thad.
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Very funny.It will be even funnier when you are on the other side fifty.
Keep drawing, make me laugh.
7:12 AM
pappy d said...
This is a funny cartoon. Seriously.
Damn funny!
Well done!
However, you imply that Ms. Fontecchio is some sort of Hillary Clinton figure, sleeping her way to the top. That's unfair & untrue.
No one would enjoy seeing a cartoon flame-war more than me. Kali has a sharper wit & better chops than you but she & John have better things to do.
As for why she's on the DVD, most cartoon fan-boys have a dream even greater than having their own hit series & that is to have a girlfriend. (I know I'm not telling you anything.)
John was just showing off for the genetic deadenders in his fanbase.
10:09 AM
Norman Bates said...
Kali just knows what her BF w/ a scabbed infected cock tells her.
4:00 PM
PCUnfunny said...
Ryan: Speaking as a big ol' John K. fan, I have laughed my ass off at this comic ! But please do not see all his fans as loyal robots. Myself and the people at Spumboard are alot open minded then John. Keep up the great work !
I would have done John K. when he was teenager. He was kind of cute.
7:58 AM
PCUnfunny said...
Norman: Steve the Hutt ! LOL !
9:17 AM
Vincent Waller said...
Wow. All that because someone you didn't even like, questioned your sexuality.
10:41 AM
ryan said...
Wow. All that because someone you didn't even like, questioned your sexuality.
Actually it was that I thought it would be a hilarious idea for a comic, which it was imo. TOO hilarious to pass up just because it would mean stepping on some toes.
And he did a lot more than "question my sexuality" which he wasn't even serious about, he was just being an asshole because I argued with him about cartoons, which is a no-no with him. He did much more insulting that had nothing to do with being gay. I could go down the list of all the shit he's done and said to me that has been fucked up - stuff he said to me even BEFORE I knew him in person (stuff he said online).
But anyway, it doesn't really matter. It was a funny comic, a funny idea, and I drew it and had an awesome time doing so.
12:28 PM
Thad said...
You tell it like it is Ryan.
2:46 PM
Vincent Waller said...
So, he said all kinds of fucked up shit to you before you even met him.
Which I guess means, you hated his ass long before you ever laid eyes on him.
But somehow your loathing of him didn't stop you from accepting invitations into his home,did it? Your disgust for him didn't stop you from drinking his beer,did it? Your abhorrence of him didn't stop you from hanging out with his friends, did it?
Wow, what a piece of work you seem to be Ryan, your mom must be proud.
4:08 PM
Norman Bates said...
Yeah I know, Vincent. John has no money but endless pawns to endless suppliers. Why deprive him of Kali, his one comfort?
6:11 PM
Vincent Waller said...
NB. Are you speaking English? I've read your post 3 times and as far as I can tell, it means nothing.
6:32 PM
ryan said...
Which I guess means, you hated his ass long before you ever laid eyes on him.
But somehow your loathing of him didn't stop you from accepting invitations into his home,did it? Your disgust for him didn't stop you from drinking his beer,did it?
You are dead wrong with about everything you just typed. When he had shattered my image of him by saying certain things to me through emails & IMs, I was upset for a few months (I was 17 at the time) and I chose to just forget about it. I made myself realize that the artist is separate from his art, and that what he had said to me was only his opinion and that it wasn't a big deal.
When I moved to LA (age 23 now) & first starting getting invited to his parties, I thought it would be a cool experience because there was sure to be other animation lovers there (which there were). Maybe I didn't really care for the guy, but I by no means hated him or really even disliked him. And I never came to his parties because of HIM. I came because there were people that shared a lot of my interests, and I liked talking to you, Eddie, Mark, Mike, Steve, Luke & Katie (others too who I am not mentioning) - the people who were NICE and that you could actually have fun conversations with - where you weren't constantly walking on thin ice if stating an OPINION that DIFFERED from THEIRS.
And this whole "bashing John K with drawings" deal that I started on my blog ***ONLY*** started after David had told me how John had, for NO REASON that I can think of (aside from me arguing with him about cartoons), started spewing out a bunch of crazy ass fucked up insults about me.. and to DAVID, a FRIEND of mine - and BEHIND MY BACK no less.
Does any of that even matter to you, or are you so DEVOTED to this asshole that you can't draw the correct conclusion of who was right and who was wrong (and I am referring to the PARTY incident, not me drawing this comic).
Your abhorrence of him didn't stop you from hanging out with his friends, did it?
Some of them I grew to consider friends of my own.. Eddie, Steve, Mark & Luke in particular. But Eddie deleted my nice comment on his newest blog post, Mark magically stopped commenting on my blog long ago after the first John drawing (when he used to comment on all my posts) and now look at you. I guess I have to be a kiss-ass and keep everything to myself if I want to be friends with John's friends. Honestly, that seems like high school mentality.
Wow, what a piece of work you seem to be Ryan, your mom must be proud.
Jesus, Vincent. I always considered you to be the nicest out of the old-school Spumco crew. I remember way back on the old Spumco message board when you had given me genuine compliments on my drawings, and I thought, "WOW!! Vincent WALLER liked MY drawings!!!!"
Anyway, this is just really disappointing to hear something mean coming from you. But I am not losing anything. I don't need any of you to make my cartoons, nor do I ever hang out with any of you. So in retrospect, this doesn't even matter.
And my mom is extremely proud of me, thank you very much.
6:32 PM
Anonymous said...
"Wow, what a piece of work you seem to be Ryan, your mom must be proud."
Yeah! the level of it is almost sick/strange. You hit the nail on the head.
as for you ryna: "But I am not losing anything. I don't need any of you to make my cartoons"
it's a good thing that you have that mentality now since you have how many animator friends left at this point? OH, that's right ZERO.
you are a class act bridge-burner. youll regret it someday...
12:25 AM
Anonymous said...
The 'bridge' Ryan 'burnt' would lead to unemployment... I don't blame him one bit!
9:17 AM
Vincent Waller said...
Well Ryan you really can't have it both ways.
Today you said:
" Maybe I didn't really care for the guy, but I by no means hated him or really even disliked him."
But in an earlier post on this subject you said:
"I didn't really like the guy anyway but had previously just kept my mouth shut as to not step on anybody's toes. Not anymore, though."
Dislike, didn't really like. Seems the same to me.
But again this didn't stop you from accepting an invitation into his home. To mix with his friends, drink his beer, and make connections in the business.
So Ryan how am I dead wrong on that?
The grudge that you developed from arguments you had with John when you were 17? Those I would love to see. A 17 year old arguing about animation with John Kricfalusi.
I've had arguments online with 17 year olds telling me "how it is." It's been my experience that (Online)it can get ugly very quickly if I don't agree with their "theories". Theories that are generally based on conjecture rather than first hand knowledge.
Does any of that sound familiar Ryan? Or at 17 were you god's gift to the animation community, delivered to to us whole, fully formed and perfectly enlightened?
I can only imagine the patients it took for John to converse with an argumentative 17 year old, as if you were on a level playing field.
You asked if I think it was wrong of John to slam you behind your back?
Yeah I do.
But from what I know of John, he didn't say anything behind your back that he wouldn't say to your face if it was just the two of you in a room.
You said:
"And this whole "bashing John K with drawings" deal that I started on my blog ***ONLY***"
What does that mean?
Blog Only?
You mean in a public forum where everyone can see your slandering and libelous accusations?
The blog where you don't just attack John, but you attack, and allow others to attack his girlfriend.Who's only crime it seems is that she is dating John.
Ryan can you honestly not see the wrong in that?
I think everybody else can.
Which is the real reason that others have "magically" stopped posting on your blog.
Its not magic. Nor is it the power John that keeps them from commenting. It's that now, you Ryan, are the one looking like a giant asshole.
I didn't post on your blog previously because my gut tells me that none of this is truly about John insulting you.
My gut tells me its all about this line of yours from an earlier post concerning John.
you said:
"it also makes me somewhat not sad since he's just making it all the easier for young new artists to bulldoze his ass over."
It's really all about trying to bulldoze over his ass. To get noticed.
Two things you should consider.
1. It will be a long time before, if ever, your chops are be strong enough allow you to bull doze over him.
2.Ryan, you are getting noticed, but for all the wrong reasons.
You should take a few minutes and read the post over at TAG, on how to get and keep a job in animation.
Though you are right about one thing.
You don't need me or Mike or Eddie or even John for you to able to make cartoons.
But you will need employers, and financiers.
What do you think will happen when your future employers see that Ryan Khatam doesn't know how to solve a dispute one on one, but instead Ryan Khatam will attack them, and their loved ones, in a public forum with mean spirited and slanderous drawings?
It doesn't take a genius to know which file you will be quietly slipped into.
Last. You thought what I said in my previous post was mean? This, from the guy that once again attacks peoples girlfriends in public forums, and allows others to do the same.
On that note alone, you should be mightily ashamed, and I'm sure your mother would be too.
12:02 PM
ryan said...
I didn't argue about cartoons with him when I was 17, I did that at his house when I was 23, and after he started bashing brilliant cartoons such as Tom & Jerry.
What I DID do when I was 17, was show him my artwork. He was less than kind with his words.
And as for everything else you had to say:
1:05 PM
PCUnfunny said...
Ryan: I found the comic funny but now you are being silly. Vincent was trying to help you when he posted that article.
1:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Ryan: I found the comic funny but now you are being silly. Vincent was trying to help you when he posted that article.
1:45 PM
ryan said...
Oh, my bad. I thought he was calling me a 'giant asshole,' twisting around what happened when I was 17, and saying that my mom is ashamed of me.
But I guess I misinterpreted it.
Sorry, Vince - thanks for the help!
2:05 PM
PCUnfunny said...
Ryan: I think both of you are acting pretty hostile towards each other but nonetheless, he did post that article to help you.
2:26 PM
Vincent Waller said...
No, I didn't call you an asshole. I said you're making yourself into a Giant asshole by spewing libelous and slanderous crap.
And everyone is watching you do it to yourself.
Picking on girls, that's a trait that everyone aspires to, tough guy.
Keep up the good work.
And yes if your mom read some your and your friends attacks on Kali, she would be ashamed of you.
2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
I dunno, is John Kricfalusi really held in any esteem by anyone with money? I'd equate him to Ann Coulter. Making fun of either isn't exactly going to get you hired for your wonderful sense of parody, but it won't create a job stigma for you.
There's nothing wrong with poking fun at the fact that Kali is only on the DVDs because she's dating John. It's not a jab at Kali but a jab at John's own abhorrent behavior and his disgustingly public exclamations of "Look! I'm boning a chick less than half my age!". I wonder who I have to sleep with to do commentary...
2:49 PM
ryan said...
NO, Vince! I WON'T send you a signed copy of my comic.
3:06 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Is that really the bee thats in your bonnet?
Sit down let me tell you the story behind the Popeye commentary.
John wasn't paid to come down and do that commentary on that DVD. He did it because they called and asked him to do it. He asked them if he could bring his friends Eddie and Kali for moral support.(Im guessing that Mike F. wasn't available that day or he might have been on it too.)Those dark rooms and head phones sometimes can be daunting to sit in all by yourself. The DVD folks said sure the more the merrier.
And that is how Kali ended up on the Popeye commentary.
Maybe some day someone will ask you to do a commentary on a cartoon, and you can decide what to say and who gets to say it.
Until then, if you don't want to listen to the commentary, you certainly aren't forced to do so.
It sure is a crappy reason to attack someone's girlfriend.
If you're looking for insight on the Popeye cartoons read John's blog, or Bob Jaques' blog.
They both donate a hell of a lot of their own valuable time to compiling and dispersing information on said cartoons so that you and I don't have to spend hours and hours researching them.
But for god sakes don't be thankful for that! Just lash out and attack people because they didn't fall in love with your drawings when you were 17.
On that note. I've seen John deal with kids showing him their art, and he is as supportive as he can be. He points them toward
Preston Blair and tells them to study hard. He spend a lot of time giving them very specific notes on how to improve. The only time I've seen him be abrupt with aspiring talent is when said "Talent" balks at his notes and gets angry that he doesn't hold them up as the next messiah. Then he can be very, very, blunt.
I remember giving you encouragement Ryan,
and I am kind of regretting it now.
As to John ragging on Tom and Jerry, I have also heard him go on and on about the parts of Tom and Jerry that he loves.
It's called theory night. The whole point is to dissect things. To spout and argue over theories. No one expects that you'll agree with everything said.
You can go back to sleep now, or if you are really brave, you can look in the mirror ask if maybe there ain't horse's ass looking back at you.
4:19 PM
Anonymous said...
"Does any of that sound familiar Ryan? Or at 17 were you god's gift to the animation community, delivered to to us whole, fully formed and perfectly enlightened?"
Ryan thinks he is god's gift and always has, selfish and stubborn. He is a spoiled brat. He hasn't hit a rock bottom ever, and until then he will continue to act this way.
4:41 PM
Norman Bates said...
Vincent, don't you have anything better to do than defend John on an art student's blog? John is a big bad mofo and can fend for himself.
5:36 PM
Norman Bates said...
This post has been removed by the author.
5:42 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Right Norm, and I'm going to take your word for that?
What happened to to all your slanderous posts?
You should maybe look toward cleaning up some of those nasty comments on other peoples blogs as well.
You never know what is actionable until you're served.
5:49 PM
Norman Bates said...
Well Vinnie, I have no fear of John. Who as you know has NO MONEY. Lawsuits cost money. So, if you gots no money, you can't sue. Especially when you're BEING sued by suppliers on your shitty gay porn cartoon that you were too much of a dumbass to pay off.
Those slanderous posts on JK's face, I just pulled offline. Yes they were way too personal. It was a good way to vent off steam though.
BTW, are John's sideburns still bleeding from those implants?
5:58 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Normie are you serious? Did you even look at the pictures you had posted? The man can grow a raccoon on his face in a week.
Im the one that could use side burn implants.
Maybe by the time I'm eighty i can grow my own.
6:24 PM
ryan said...
Just lash out and attack people because they didn't fall in love with your drawings when you were 17.
You are hopeless and I am done debating.
6:51 PM
Stone said...
I thought it was hilarious. Definitely inflammatory, but dammit, I smiled.
However, reading the comments was like walking into a room with both friends and strangers stabbing each other in the eyes and yelling at the top of their lungs while a midget in a bunny suit plays a broken violin in the middle of the chaos... weeping, always weeping... And I think to myself...
just back out of the room slowwwwwly....
haha, blog fights are seriously nerdy.
9:04 PM
Norman Bates said...
So am I.
10:14 PM
James said...
Wow, Vincent Waller is super-serious.I'm disappointed. :(
2:13 AM
mike said...
Well that sure backfired. Hahaha.
8:50 AM
ryan said...
haha, blog fights are seriously nerdy.
Hey!! I'm not a nerd.., excuse me while I update my merfolk deck with some mana leaks and fallowsages..
gotta go!
12:59 PM
Anonymous said...
You should've listened to Vincentt. You're so bent on insulting John K that you've resulted to attacking his friends for no reason. What has Kali ever done to you? With each of these petty posts, you only turn more people against you. That's going to bite you in the ass someday.
3:46 PM
Jessica Leving said...
I thought your comic was really funny, Ryan! (Even though I don't really know who John K is.. lol!)
I have also seen your myspace pic and think you are really cute!
5:38 PM
crsP said...
Vincent Waller, I don't understand why you keep trying to make this comic into an attack on John K's girlfriend. I didn't read it that way, nor did j. j. hunsecker. Obviously, being John k's friend, you have the right to come to his defence if you so choose. Eddie fitzgerald is also his friend and was quite in reason to question what he perceived as an attack. But Ryan K had made it quite clear in his reply to him that it was the situation that was being made into satire and
" for anything 'mean' in the comic it is all directed at John..."
But even after the reply, you commented that it was an attack on John K's girlfriend. And now an Anonymous has mysteriously left a strange link in his comment that happens to lead to the comments on one of your post, where you are still continuing to profess that it's an attack on John K's girlfriend. And that is where maybe we can see your reasons behind this insistence. You say:
"John could not care less than he does about some little prick doing drawings and jabs at him, but instead of attacking John,(Who he is supposedly mad at) Ryan and his pals insist on attacking John's girlfriend too."
Is it the real reason that, 'john could not care less' that is prompting you to turn the comic into an 'attack' on someone other than John K? You are being just as silly as those who have taken the comic as an excuse to insult his girlfriend. She is not the brunt of any joke, yet you feel the urge to drag her into your argument. And what 'pals' of Ryan are these that are attacking her in the comments? Me? I made no attack, and I don't know Ryan K [if it makes you sleep better I'm not his favourite person]. The Anonymous? How do you know they are his pals when he probably doesn't know who they are himself? And most of those inflamatory comments were from anonymous. Again this is just you twisting things to try to make up an attack on John K's girlfriend. You're dragging other people into it as well, making it out like we are some kind of Guys and Dolls styled gang, clicking our fingers and mincing about menacingly with our switchblades! Where do you see this gang up? Why are you questioning people's manhood with false 'attacks' as you say here:
"Ryan and his pals insist on attacking John's girlfriend too.
John does care about that, as do I, as does anyone that considers themselves a man."
For contrast I will show you this quote I found when I was searching for John K's own account of this dvd business, as was prompted by a previous poster in these comments:
"Heather says:
The Warner Popeye DVD is very good, and is a must-have item for any of us in the industry. However, female animators who purchase the collection are strongly warned to avoid the Disk 3 commentary beneath the Fleischer Popeye cartoon “I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski”. It is sexist in the extreme.
This is not owed to any fault of John K or the other male animators heard narrating. It is entirely the fault of a young woman they brought along for the ride, who contributes nothing except giggles and cheerleader-like ego-boosting to both men for four straight minutes, and says virtually nothing relevant to the animation she is watching. I was left wondering, who the hell is this, John’s f**ktoy?
As a female animator, I found it nauseating and insulting.
If you can get past that, this collection is probably one of the best and most fan/adult collector-friendly animation DVDs I think Warner or any other distributor has ever released. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to hire a cute young man who knows nothing about animation to giggle at everything I say for the commentary portion of the animation DVDs I produce so my breasts and vagina will seem bigger when I look in the mirror. Thank you. :)"
This is coming from a female. It was posted before this comic. She takes issue with what was satirised by Ryan K. Has Ryan said anything like that? So why the accusation? And obviously [though not to you apparently] he was looking to make light on what he saw as a funny situation, but whereas the comic was about John K and his antics [caricatured], that comment shows that there are other people who feel stronger about it than Ryan K [not to mention myself]. If you wanted an argument, why not confront those commentators on that Cartoon Brew site [there are more with similar opinions]? Instead you want to form this conspiracy. The comic does not target his girlfriend, those comments on another site does. Why are you making it up? Stop bringing John K's girlfriend into an issue that wasn't about her in the first place, just so you can vent your anger that your friend is being satirised. That's wrong of you Vincent Waller, you're not being fair. Your evidence is sparse, to say the least. you say:
"If you think the comic is only about John, then you really haven't read it, or the follow up comments on his blog."
Let's go through this backwards to see just how absurd your logic is. You are claiming that follow up comments to an already published comic makes the original work changed it's focus somehow? Wow, I know Apple just came out with their Time Capsule wireless backup device, but I didn't know Google was way ahead with a time machine app for their Blogger service which allows future events to affect the past. Those boffins know their stuff. There is no relevance of what OTHERS say that pertains to the original intentions of the author of the strip.
I have read the comic, and I had to re-read it as your accusations came thick and fast, just to see if I had missed something. I got the same impression as I did when I first read it, concerning the target of the comic. The only mention of John K's girlfriend was in the prologue drawing that sets up the situation in the comic. Is that what's irking you? For me, before this post was publish I had no idea about who did what on Popeye's dvd [I only just read the Cartoon Brew articles today]. So if that first separate image was not in there, I would not have a clue that John K brought his girlfriend to do a dvd commentary on Popeye. The strip would have been, for me just as funny [the story quickly takes a side turn in the middle where the Ryan Khatam character meets the John K character, and that whole hilarious part has NOTHING whatsoever to do with getting on a dvd commentary, let alone John K's girlfriend]. So should it have been left out, as the comic still works? Well, no. Because, for one thing, I am quite certain that I'm in the minority of having a lack of knowledge of Popeye commentary. You certainly would have known, as well as Eddie Fitzgerald and John K's other friend about it, and it would have looked like Ryan K was making an attack [like you think now] on John K's girlfriend. The fact is, he is using the comic strip medium to satirise an event which occurred. It did occur, and if any negativity which is alluded towards John K's girlfriend, then it's more 'guilt by association', rather than this make believe attack you have concocted. It could be likened to being taken to a well-to-do event with someone, and during the night they stand up and piss their pants. Now whilst people may laugh at the situation, and you may be somewhat embarrassed by being there with them, they are not laughing at you. And when someone tells an anecdote about it, they are not attacking you, even if they mention his 'guest' in the story. But you, Vincent Waller, seem hell bent on bringing the guest in as the target. It's even worse to think that you are doing this under the guise of friendship, yet have to concoct these things up so you can form your own retaliation, putting Ryan, myself, some other commentators, and even John K's girlfriend down by these misleading actions. Here you first say:
"It's that now, you Ryan, are the one looking like a giant asshole."
Then you twist it around in a follow up comment saying:
"No, I didn't call you an asshole. I said you're making yourself into a Giant asshole by spewing libelous and slanderous crap."
And you seem to do that more and more, escalating and adding. Changing the reasons why Ryan may not like John, bringing up John K's girlfriend when it suits you, coming up with some bogus statement inferring that we are forming a Spanish Inquisition [no one expects the Spanish Inquisition] to beat up on women. And whilst your account of how the commentary came about suggests that John K brought his girlfriend in for "moral support" and "Those dark rooms and head phones sometimes can be daunting to sit in all by yourself", it jars with John K's own statement on the matter which was:
"...but I thought it would also be interesting to bring in one of the very few animation students today that loves old cartoons as much as us geezers to get her spontaneous reactions. She is extremely talented, is actually learning directly from these cartoons, has a great eye and is as entertaining as anyone can be in a commentary."
Obviously he's fuelling the flames over at Cartoon Brew with his suggestion that few animation students today love old cartoons or use them in their studies, but what is relevant for this discussion is that John K is stating there was specific reasons for him bringing her that was relevant to Popeye, as opposed to your telling which is trying to paint a Rockwellian scene of cosy fireplaces and microphones, for John K who is apparently afraid of the dark by your account. You do the same thing in the comments on your site by going on like you and him are a couple of sensitive metrosexuals fending off attacks from a brutish bunch of rogues and scallywags with our mirthful mischief machine set on the defilement of a young woman's reputation. You fill your comments with words such as 'slander' and 'libel' for reasons I can only see as intimidation. Where is the libel or slander in the comic? Have you read it? Ryan Khatam goes to see John K. He talks to him. He enters the house. The door shuts. the next panels says "After 42 months of intense therapy..." . So what are you going to base your case on? Something you imagined that happened between Ryan Khatam and John K? Despite holding off on going to 'Norman Bates' site as it seemed like a bit of a Trojan horse to me, I folded like a cheap deck of cards and went there eventually. So yes, I saw his John K post. And you can have it out in court with him if you like, because it was saying a few thing explicitly about John K. But why are you continuing with this court language concerning the comic? I think the last comment I made on your site was likening one sketch to Bill Plymton styled humour. It was a drawing you did from a photograph of John Travolter kissing Kirk Douglas on the lips. But you drew a sort of x-ray mode where the viewer sees Travolter's tongue going up to Douglas' brain. Is that libellous? Slanderous? Or maybe satire? Is it suggesting Travolter is gay? Should his friends come to your site and accuse you of attacking his wife by suggesting Travolter has to get his kicks elsewhere, as his wife is not satisfying him? Do you see the ridiculousness of your argument?
And lastly, you continually repeat that Ryan Khatam does things like:
"Ryan Katham is a pathetic little man that thinks its OK to pick on girls."
"If you have a fight with someone you don't go after their family in a public forum."
But didn't you have some altercation with a commentator on your site around when I used to visit, where he posted some drawings of spongebob or something stealing your girlfriend from you? And didn't you threaten him with violence? I saw the post and the only thing funny about it was how childish [in quality] the drawing was and also he had used your drawing and claimed he had drawn it, which I thought was quite despicable. But violence? Maybe you were in the heat of the moment, so I'll give you some credit and say that ok, he deserved a little threat. BUT didn't you also threaten violence on his family? haha That one gets no credit. that's just wrong. What did they do to you? And you deleted the comment. Probably because of the reasons in this quote from you:
"Employers and financiers will think twice when they realize that he does not settle his disagreements in person, but instead Ryan Katham will attack you and your family with slanderous and libelous attacks in a one sided public forum."
But not fast enough. so it's strange that you say that Ryan Khatam will attack people's families. Even more so when you are the one that brought his mother into the discussion. from you:
"On that note alone, you should be mightily ashamed, and I'm sure your mother would be too."
I wont bring your mother into this. It is you who brought me into this. You are trying to keep John K's girlfriend in this. You, from your own words, regret encouraging Ryan Khatam as a teenager on his drawings. Why didn't you practice what you preach and just call him out because you didn't like your friend being in satire. Or do a drawing of your own. Why artificially rope others in who are just minding their business. But why are you so mad in the first place when at your own admittance, John K isn't bothered? I just don't get the whole thing.
9:22 PM
ryan said...
9:59 PM
Vincent Waller said...
First off. This isn't just about the comic, it's about an entire series of posts that attack John and Kali.
It's odd that you equate dealing with a web troll (Someone who hides behind a Pseudonym and attacks me and my girlfriend ) on the same level as dealing with someone you know personally. That's an interesting stretch of logic.
As to the "Comic": Unless you're retarded, you'll see the comic is obviously stating that the only reason Kali was on the DVD is that she is John girlfriend. I will suggest to you, that the reason she is on the commentary is that she is a multi-talented young cartoonist that happens to be John's friend.
Just like Eddie is John's friend and was asked to go along to the record. Last I checked Eddie and John don't have "A Thing" going on.
Had I been available when the the folks from the DVD called and asked John to do the commentary, I dare say that I'd have been asked to go along. Do I have anything definitive to say about Popeye? Hell no. Other than I love the cartoons,and wow! I like when Popeye does that octopus dance for Olive, I wouldn't have much to say. Would that have stopped me from going? Fuck no! I'd be there with bells on. Could you then bitch and moan about the quality of my commentary ? Yes sir, that is your right to do so. If you got too snarky with your public comments about my commentary, would you have to worry about running into me in a party and getting your bell rung? Yes, you might. Welcome to real Non-cyber world where actions have consequences. What you wouldn't have to worry about is that I would run out and start posting public attacks against your family and loved ones.
If you read Ryan's previous posts attacking John, you know he makes sure that Kali is included in most of them. He also encourages the other cowards that have an ax to grind against John, to have a go at her too. Its nothing but cheap, pathetic, and weak to attack someones family or loved ones to get at them.
I did not attack Ryan's mom. I suggested that if she knew her son was attacking a girl who's only crime seems to be who she chooses to date, that his mom would be ashamed of him. I still think that is true. That is actually making the assumption that his mom is a good and decent person,and I'm sure she is.
Lastly, and this is all the ink space I'm going to give to poor little Ryan.
This all boils down to John hurt Ryan's feelings. So instead of dealing with him like a man, he chose to attack John AND his girlfriend in a public forum.
Had he just attacked John, it wouldn't have had any affect, other than to maybe get him slapped in person someday. But like most cowards, Ryan understood that the only way he could hurt John is hurt someone close to him. Making Kali a prime target for Ryan and his sniveling pal.
I've been in this business awhile now and can tell you, that while people in this business love to read these shit slinging matches. When comes down to it, what they will bring away from this, is that Ryan Katham doesn't deal with people he disagrees with face to face. But will skulk away and launch vicious public attacks,( I'll leave to lawyers to decide if they Libelous.) not just against the person he has the argument with, but their family members and their personal lives as well.
I guarantee that in his future, prospective employers, as well as any prospective investors will think twice before going into business with Ryan Katham. When they see that Ryan Katham doesn't deal with his problems face to face, but instead will attack them, their families, and their personal lives in a public forum, they will slip him quietly in to the NO THANK YOU file.
You have a better day now.
3:11 PM
david said...
John didn't hurt "ryan's feelings" John brutally Insulted him multiple times calling him a faggot, gay etc. etc. He said this to me and in front of his fanboys, vince. He did not 'question ryan's sexuality' he instead asserted it on me with the asshole question "Do you know your friend ryan is gay?" You weren't there so you wouldn't know. I was at the party and i had to sit through John's drunken bash-fest. Everyone else will deny it to protect whatever tarnished ego john has remaining.
Now maybe because ryan isn't an animation 'celebrity' its okay to talk shit about him and belittle him for no fucking reason, aside from the fact that ryan rubbed john the wrong way because he didn't agree completely 100% with what john said. And it was JOHN not ryan who was making a big deal out of someone else's differing opinion. Because he tends to have that high school attitude of berating others for having differing opinions. I know you know this Vince. I know lots of other people know it. It's no fucking mystery. But where does a 50 plus year old manchild get off jokingly and rudely insulting a mid-20 year old so that he can not only embarass me (because if i have a GAY friend, i must be fucking lame as well), but also reduce ryan into some sort of loser and all of this in front of john's cocksucking fanboys? I just find it really silly you are going out of your way to defend John.
So obviously ryan is going to hold a grudge. A lot of people hold grudges against John because he has treated a lot of people like shit. You might have witnessed it, but you also might choose to ignore that ugly side of his personality as most do. Ryan's comic however is only parodying the way that John and his circle of friends (which change with the years depending on who he burns his bridges with) will have this little clique and suddenly become the authority on animation regardless of animation. Well shit if john "discovered' them, they must be the next fucking rob scribners!
Maybe, as mentioned by that Heather girl, that people aren't down with Kali commenting on a dvd when she is totally unqualified. This is jerry beck going out of his way to put out a popeye set and John brings along his girlfriend for "support" to comment. I am sure you, being an animation cartoon veteran could contribute more insight, than a fledgling animation student, who last time i checked (as ryan has mentioned) has no real animation experience whatsoever. Ryan's point is that whoever is on johns dick(girl or guy or whoever) will obviously have the benefits of his own dominating dogmatic agenda that he propagates in the animation and cartoon is not a personal bash on Kali, it is a bash on John. Kali just happens to be in the middle of it. as was i in the middle of Johns ridiculing and mean spirited bullshit against ryan.
4:05 PM
Vincent Waller said...
This post has been removed by the author.
5:16 PM
Vincent Waller said...
If that's what happened David, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Did you tell him to go fuck himself and split? That's the least that I would have done.
That said, Ryan chose long before John took Kali with him for the commentary, to attack John through Kali. John didn't put Kali in the way of the argument, Ryan did. Post after post he included her in his vitriol, knowing that it was way at John.
This is what is weak, pathetic and cowardly about Ryan's actions. If you have a problem with John, take to John. Don't attack his girlfriend in public forum.
I'm not making excuses for John, if someone acts like an asshole, call him on it. I've taken many an asshole to task for acting out wrongheaded. But I didn't follow them home wait till they fell asleep and beat up their girlfriends.
5:20 PM
PCUnfunny said...
My two cents:
Ryan: John is clearly immature at times. You know this and I know this. I used to think that your offense of his comments was only mild, but now I am sadly starting to see you are making a mountain out of a molehill. If he called me gay or my friends gay, I would not care. Why ? Because people like him can be stupid at times, or all the time, so you just shake it off. You are too old to be offended by such petty insults. Also, like I said to Thad K. one time, what is this obbession with him dating someone half his age ? First of all, it's none of our business who the hell he goes out with. Secound, Kali is 22 years old. She is an adult and she can date whoever she likes. Go ahead and flame me but I that's all.
5:26 PM
Anonymous said...
PC, it's easy to make those remarks because you're not the one getting bitch-slapped. You didn't get called a faggot because you like Friz Freleng or Tom & Jerry or Disney or whatever (cos you know that's the ultimate sign of homosexuality). Don't worry, when you get insulted in person by Mr. K, it will all be clear.
BTW, what gets overlooked is that John K is NOT an expert on the Fleischer studio, nor has been a fan of them very long (I recall him making a "Fuck Betty Boop" remark years ago when asked to watch the old laser). John is right when he says there are few animation students into the good stuff, but there's surely more that can offer more insight.
Go Ryan!!!
6:21 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Ryan you know very well this isn't just about this one comic.
As to what should you have done. Yeah punching someone that you feel has slandered you is a viable option.
What isn't an option, unless your weak, pathetic, and cowardly, is attacking someone through their girlfriend time after time. In post after post. You should be ashamed.
You want to settle your grudge with John by doing drawings of him, go right ahead. I'm sure he can handle it.
But remember you and your friends aren't the only ones reading this blog. When it gets around that Ryan Katham doesn't settle his disputes in person, but instead attacks people's girlfriends, and or family a public forum. You my friend will find Ryan Katham has been quietly tossed on the trash heap of people that are not worth dealing with.
Have a better one.
10:24 AM
PCUnfunny said...
"PC, it's easy to make those remarks because you're not the one getting bitch-slapped. You didn't get called a faggot because you like Friz Freleng or Tom & Jerry or Disney or whatever (cos you know that's the ultimate sign of homosexuality). Don't worry, when you get insulted in person by Mr. K, it will all be clear."
And why the hell would I be offended by this ? Something so childish it's not even worth my time ? Those are little kid insults. And another thing, why can you be offended by someone that can easily offend ? We all know the long list of his failures.
1:24 PM
Anonymous said...
"And why the hell would I be offended by this ? Something so childish it's not even worth my time ? Those are little kid insults. And another thing, why can you be offended by someone that can easily offend ? We all know the long list of his failures."
Well I'm glad you admitted it. John K is a waste of all of our time. Ryan, it's time to call it quits on this topic. I think Waller Attorney at Law may issue a subpoena on you soon.
1:44 PM
PCUnfunny said...
"Well I'm glad you admitted it. John K is a waste of all of our time"
Hold up, I still respect John and his work. My point was not to be offended by grade school insults.
1:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Vincent you frequently say "family". Where has Ryan insulted John's family? Unless John and Kali are engaged or married (YECCH!), it's not "family".
Make fun of Kali all the way I say. Her head's tucked up John's ass anyway.
7:37 PM
jabberwocky said...
Vincent,the comic/s isnt about Kali, its about John K promoting any clueless broad who he sleeping with at the time.Eg in a few years time it will be another chick
"Hey Guys, this is Suzy- shes young and talented, and im teaching her about cartoons"
People just find it gross thats all, John.K is just so old-his obsession with young girls just grosses people out.He's 53 for christsakes.
Are you JK's lapdog or something? Just because he made a good cartoon 17 years ago doesnt give him the right to be an asshole and treat people like shit.
1:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Hi Ryan-
You don't have to publish this comment b/c it's really just for you to read. I was just going to offer some advice from someone that has been in your position. You don't have to like John and you don't have to change your opinions about the popeye dvd... but just hold them inside and work extra hard on your own thing. John has said some vile things about me but he once gave me some advice... to summarize.. Don't bother picking fights on the internet and telling how to think b/c you can't change people's minds that way, just work on yourself and the goals you want to achieve ... trust me i know the irony in John giving that advice but he was right. I think the drawing and layouts you did are funny but just imagine how much better it would of been if it was just an original creation you had done a comic of... you may have been able to expand it to larger project. As far as Marlo being a skank... as you know we dated and then had a bad break-up... but she isn't a bad person. I know she came on this blog and had written some mean things about a year ago, but I was living with her at the time and she regretted it almost instantly and felt bad for a while. She just wants to defend Kali b/c she views her as a sister. I have no reason to defend either of those people b/c they don't really like me... I just want to let you know, from the view of someone who has gone on-line and said mean things... I came to regret it. Someone mentioned Lynne Naylor on here and she's a good friend of mine... even though John and her have had trouble in the past she has rarely mentioned him, she has just moved on with her life to become a real success... not just in animation... she is a really happy, great person that people want to be around... and that is the best revenge. I've come around to following the example of Lynne and Vincent b/c they are two people who are talented and have opinions but know they don't have to voice them publicly... they are also extremely happy and well adjusted. I've made the mistake in the past of going off... you can't win. People will view you as not stable, and it will alienate you from people that you may actually want in your life.
I hope that this was helpful in someway.
-Robertryan Cory
4:26 AM
Anonymous said...
so that WAS marlo saying all of that shit back then?!
damn, what a dumb bitch. glad she doesn't live in LA anymore, she would get her ass BEAT.
4:51 PM
ZSL said...
I just read all these comments.
What a fucking epic argument.
Godspeed Ryan and Vincent. Godspeed!
1:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow! Needing a chick to hold your hand because you're to nervous to talk into a microphone is totally fucking gay - great comic Ryan!!!
2:20 PM
Anonymous said...
So is posting anonymously.
Very brave.
So is picking on girls, you pathetic little Nancy Boy.
2:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Love it when other anonymous post how posting anonymous is gay - YOU FUCKING FAG! HA! HA!
6:25 PM
Vincent Waller said...
That's because you're dense,gay, and a girl's blouse.
6:46 PM
Anonymous said...
I mean...That's because you're dense,gay, and a girl's blouse.
6:47 PM
jabberwocky said...
Vincent how old are you?
5:48 AM
Yesterday I was about this age said...
6:55 AM
Phil said...
Just lash out and attack people because they didn't fall in love with your drawings when you were 17.
Just beacause he didn't fall in love with his drawings doeasnt mean he had to be a dick about it. I've heard from people who've met John at animation schools who've been humiliated by the guy for no reason at all.
9:12 AM
Vincent Waller said...
Well Phil, That's what you've heard. Have you seen it?
I ask because every time I've seen John dealing with young talent he has been very supportive. Directing them to Preston Blair and even giving notes on their drawings.
He has devoted more of his free(as in uncompensated $$) time and effort to helping young talent get the information they need to succeed in this business more than anyone else I can think of.
The only time I've seen John say anything discouraging,has been when the person has been offended that John didn't absolutely love their drawings and then they reacted badly.
There is no rule that says anyone needs to suffer a fool.
Polite and respectful will get you help. Pompous and self entitled will get a door slammed in your face every time.
And my post yesterday was indeed childish. Sometimes posts from cowardly anonymous' and ones that hide behind a Pseudonym to spew their peevish accqusations get a knee jerk reaction out of me.
It still isn't nor ever will it be OK to attack someone by attacking someone else.
And that is what Ryan and his buddies have done on this blog since the incident at John's way back in 2006.
10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
The other picture's weren't directed at Kali, they were aimed at John's tendency to date girls half his age. It's not like Ryan said "Your girlfriend is ugly" which would have indeed been an attack on John though the insult of Kali. He's just making fun of John's behavior and Kali is only included because she's part of it. The attacks are aimed directly at John.
11:29 AM
Anonymous said...
1:53 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
>And that is what Ryan and his buddies have done on this blog since the incident at John's way back in 2006.
Fuck, was it THAT long ago? Ryan, are you sure you're 23 years old? As opposed to, say, 7?
4:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Jorge are you sure you're not just being a little bitch to the John K/Girth clique?
John needs some cash fast to pay for his internet porn bill and liquor tab. Go help him!
4:48 PM
crsP said...
Late reply, but don't worry, I didn't forget you [that's a reference to the comic - had to point it out as you appear to not have read it]. One of the reasons being that my internet was down for a day. I guess that must have put me into a dream-less coma seeing as you suggest that I live in 'cyber world'. Wait, don't you have a website which you post drawings and your musings on, and don't you frequent and comment on other people's website, all of which I do? You must live in 'cyber world' too! Hey, real-estate is expensive in 'cyber world', why don't we become roomies? I got dibs on top bunk! You write:
"It's odd that you equate dealing with a web troll (Someone who hides behind a Pseudonym and attacks me and my girlfriend ) on the same level as dealing with someone you know personally. That's an interesting stretch of logic."
It is probably odd because I did not equate them. To equate is to call one thing equal to another. I brought up that incident to show your hypocrisy of accusing other people of the behaviour that is more associated with yourself. So willing were you in your fervour to intimidate, that you were willing to threaten someone's family. And I did give you some leeway, as you will see if you read that part of my comment again. There is nothing wrong with my logic. You state:
"As to the "Comic": Unless you're retarded, you'll see the comic is obviously stating that the only reason Kali was on the DVD is that she is John girlfriend."
Finally! You decide to give the reason why you think the comic was an attack where countless others do not see an attack. Although, the comic infers it, rather than states it as in your words. But that's a moot point as will become apparent. You go on to suggest:
"I will suggest to you, that the reason she is on the commentary is that she is a multi-talented young cartoonist that happens to be John's friend."
That suggestion is easily refuted. Pappy d [who, if you read the whole comment, holds her in high esteem] commented earlier in this post:
"However, you imply that Ms. Fontecchio is some sort of Hillary Clinton figure, sleeping her way to the top."
Whether you are in support of Hillary Clinton, opposed to her, or [like me] 'none of the above', to say Hillary Clinton slept her way to the top is nonsensical. Sleeping your way to the top does not involve marrying one man who then makes his way to the top. Pappy d, you're just being an anal sphincter here. A woman should be able to support her husband through his growth in his profession without being labelled some kind of harlot by you, you sexist - you seem to forget that it is HE who cheated on her, not the other way round. WHORE!!!. Don't think that I'm a supporter of Hillary Clinton, as I am not, neither have I hatred towards her. However, the undeniable FACT is that Hillary Clinton political position is due to being the wife of ex president of USA, Bill Clinton, no matter how much her propaganda machine and some supporters may deny it. As is the FACT that Kali Fontecchio got to the position of commenting on the Popeye DVD because she is the girlfriend of John Krickfalusi. It doesn't matter what her other talents are. Like it or not, what John K done is called nepotism~
nepotism |ˌnɛpətɪz(ə)m|
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, esp. by giving them jobs.
And it's interesting that John K would engage in such things when he has made postings on his website condemning those acts, citing unqualified people who get to do voice direction on the basis of their 'relationship' to others on a project. But maybe that's why you've changed your story of how she came about to do the commentary, to be more in line with John K's account, assuming that it would offset that fact. Neither version can disguise that the fact that remains. You use it to further your conspiracy that the comic is an attack [which it's not]. But Vincent Waller, by me pointing the truth out [which after all is my occupation, as stated in my profile] just now does not mean I am attacking her, nor is Ryan K doing a satire on the situation. Similarly, I'm reminded of Godfather 3, where Sofia Coppola was thrust into a role with no regard of her capability to perform well within it. I haven't seen the film, but I'm certainly aware of how she got lambasted. And here's an appropriate quote from the Telegraph, just after her nomination for an Academy Award as Best Director~
"Francis Ford Coppola was wrong to assume that his daughter's familiarity with movie-making would enable her to shine as an actress. Lacking skill and training, in almost every frame, she looks as if she has wandered into the film by accident."
From Heather's short review of that commentary track, as quoted in my previous comment, seems to indicate that there are similarities. And Sofia Coppola has since won an Oscar as well as various awards. She's written films, been a cinematographer on a movie, done main titles and closing titles in films. So it's fair to say she's 'multi-talented'. And did she get that role in Godfather 3 because of her Daddy? Of course! Have some objectivity for crying out loud. And stop throwing out silly arguments like~
"Just like Eddie is John's friend and was asked to go along to the record. Last I checked Eddie and John don't have "A Thing" going on.
Had I been available when the the folks from the DVD called and asked John to do the commentary, I dare say that I'd have been asked to go along. Do I have anything definitive to say about Popeye? Hell no. Other than I love the cartoons,and wow! I like when Popeye does that octopus dance for Olive, I wouldn't have much to say."
Eddie and John might not have 'A Thing' going on, but Eddie Fitzgerald offering himself for DVD commentary without the John K equation would a lot more likely brought success to his plight, I might even go as far as say guarantee himself a place. And you're saying that your many years studying animation and dissecting old cartoons with John K, your experience of working within cartoon companies, would not enable you to say 'much'? You couldn't compare a certain sequence you would have seen in the Popeye cartoon to maybe one you could recall from another cartoon from a different studio? Not even a Ren and Stimpy? Nothing about what it's like to work in an animation studio? No techniques you could have spotted to highlight and possibly explain [like maybe what's going on with the octopus dance]? Instead you'll just come in and say you love it, and point out parts you like. Hmm.
"galacticadude says:
The extras sound like they’re worth the price alone."
Galacticadude sure would have had a surprise had you been called up for Volume 2 [which is what he refers to]. I know you're saying you wont take it seriously, that it's an opportunity for you to have fun and John K says Let the cartoons speak for themselves. They really don’t need any commentary to help them.", but many people pay a premium just to get those extra features. And more so in animation than in live action DVD commentary, insights and information can be gleaned from these things. And whilst I would easily take a DVD that was bargain basement priced because it omits commentary, there's many more with fatter wallets that would just HAVE to have the commentary. Here's what Zeppo says in reply to John K's comment at Cartoon Brew:
"“…one of the very few animation students today that loves old cartoons as much as us geezers to get her spontaneous reactions.”
VERY few? You are mistaken.
Every time a good Popeye is shown all the audience reacts positively-even current animation students. Don’t sell them all so short.
As far as cartoon commentary goes, the more the merrier!"
These people don't like to be patronised after they have laid down a fair few bucks. And you say:
"Could you then bitch and moan about the quality of my commentary ?"
Er, I didn't bitch nor moan about the Popeye commentary. Then you go on to write:
"If you got too snarky with your public comments about my commentary, would you have to worry about running into me in a party and getting your bell rung? Yes, you might."
HahA! I don't know what's funnier, the thought of you and I in a party together, or your thinly veiled threat and chest puffing. Michael Barrier better be careful which parties he R.S.V.P.'s to - now there's a guy who's proven he can make snide [or snarky as you put it] comments, publicly, including to the Ren Adn Stimpy Adult Party cartoons, which you worked on. Well, I'm sure the Spongebob viewers that feared you had gone soft will be reassured by the news that you haven't sold out and gone all 'Hollywood', and you're still reppin' the streets of South Central, LBC, Englewood...Englewood always up to no good. Werd. Now you suggest he's been 'attacking' her for a while. You say:
"This isn't just about the comic, it's about an entire series of posts that attack John and Kali."
"If you read Ryan's previous posts attacking John, you know he makes sure that Kali is included in most of them."
I found 4 posts including this one on the John K tag. 2 of those [half does not mean most] makes a reference to her personally. And only one has her visually represented. And as that anonymous pointed out:
"He's just making fun of John's behavior and Kali is only included because she's part of it. The attacks are aimed directly at John."
She's not even caricatured. He could have of course. Caricatures don't always have to be 'grotesque'. But he chose not to. And you can see clearly from what he did to John K's image from that reference photo, that he's capable of the grotesque. It's more a caricature of the idea that he's trying to get across. I've only seen John K in photos and video, but I get the feeling he doesn't look much like that! You can attest to that - you see him in the flesh. Her actions aren't even caricatured either, like they are of John K in this comic. He'd have to be going through some mental breakdown if you suggest that this comic should be taken literally - look at him screaming his own name HAHAHA reminds me of that motion capture Beowulf film where, for no reason, the movie's namesake bellows BEOWULF! HAHAHAHA I thought that was funny in it's ridiculous over the top way too [not as funny though HAHAHA]. But she's not doing anything that differs from what she does in the photo. BORING, but not an attack. She's mentioned as part of the situation in both instances. Vincent Waller, if you were at one of your said parties, and an opinionated 17 year old who had published online some snarky comments about you [a good combination of your pet hates], and you were engaged in a heated debate with them, and rang their bell, would it be an attack on your girlfriend [who attended with you] if she was included in some satirical depiction looking on shocked as you punched the 17 year old? I don't think so, even if they made a gross caricature of YOU. She is in it because she was part of the situation. Just as John K's girlfriend was part of this event. It was indeed Kali Fontecchio, but if John K had a different girlfriend, regardless of her other multi-talents or even if she had none, the situation would be the same. The satire would be the same, except the prologue drawing would have a different name.
I don't know what problem you have with my pseudonym. John K is a pseudonym for John Kricfalusi. What's wrong with that? Is it that I don't put my full name? I just took a look at your profile and you have "Accounting" as your 'industry'. John K doesn't have his Instant Messenger screename. Why are you so critical of me because I don't want to fill in every field of my profile? I've got my age in my profile - you don't, and you didn't answer to the question when asked just a few comments up. Got something to hide? More hypocrisy. Who's 'Phil'? What does a 'jabberwocky' do? How does a 'zsl' work? Where can you find a 'pcunfunny'? What on earth is a 'jorge garrido'?...HAHHAHAHA Come on Vincent Waller, stop these conspiracy theories - you don't need my bank details.
I guess satire is dead. This hilarious comic is not funny. Eddie Fitzgerald's satirical comic about Jorge Garrido calling one of his post 'boring' is not funny. Somebody should have sent me a memo, so I would know I shouldn't have laughed. So now satire is out of the way, there needs to be a replacement. Now, what kind of humour are 'cartoonists' crying out for? *looks out of 'cyber window' into the heart of the internet cartoon discussion fields'* Ohhhh, RACIST CARTOONS! That's that then, all is well. You write:
"I did not attack Ryan's mom."
I didn't say you attacked her, I said you brought her into it, much like you did with me, and similarly your insistence on keeping John K's girlfriend in it. you add:
"I suggested that if she knew her son was attacking a girl who's only crime seems to be who she chooses to date, that his mom would be ashamed of him. I still think that is true. That is actually making the assumption that his mom is a good and decent person,and I'm sure she is."
How about if she had all the 'evidence' presented to her and she could make up her own mind, instead of suggesting your own opinion that a girl was being attacked? What if she came to the [likely] conclusion that there's no girl attacking here? Would that make her evil? I don't know if Mrs Khatam is a good person or not [she might be a serial rapist for all I know], but what I know is that if she is good and doesn't see this fictional attack you are promoting, then that wont make her a bad person.
You need to come to your senses and see who and what the satire is focused on. He even included himself in it. Not her, not some random girl [that no doubt you'd protest was her], and not even one of his characters. There will be other people with their own agendas, who maybe don't like John K at all, or maybe they don't like his girlfriend, maybe they want to be his girlfriend, maybe they have issue with other people associated with him, and bring that up. Ryan K chooses to delete the 'spam' postings alone as his site moderation. So it's a bit of a free for all, so why do you insist on this whole 'Ryan Khatam and his friends\pals\buddies\gang affiliates' rounding up of people here? Is he to blame because he doesn't delete those comments? He even leaves the nasty comments against himself his girlfriend.
"anonymous said...
Ryan, most of the poeple that have met you rightfully suspect that you are secretly homosexual. You speak really faggy with a high voice and lisp. Some would say your movements were gay, but that's not as obvious as your voice.(not to mention your girlfriend is a little obese and not even a straight man would really get very aroused by her."
THAT is what a personal attack on someone's girlfriend is. It's not just about her being his girlfriend, this anonymous is saying in no uncertain words that not only is she suffering from obesity [meaning she's fatter than a fat person], but no man could possibly achieve an erection because of her. There's no doubting this, and unlike this post which has various opinions about who is the target [despite your claim that it's a one-sided debate], everyone can agree this was personal. By the way, why didn't you and John K come riding in on your white steeds to defend a girl's virtue when this was posted? Seeing as you're trying to position yourselves as new-age male feminists. Your mangina sensors should have alerted you.
Finally, people should stop trying to make it out like these John K caricatures come out so often, seeing as the one before this came out more than a year ago. Talk about a lazy bastard. HAHAHHAHAHA
6:37 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
"I guess satire is dead. This hilarious comic is not funny. Eddie Fitzgerald's satirical comic about Jorge Garrido calling one of his post 'boring' is not funny."
That was completely different. Eddie is my friend. It was in good fun. I drew him in response and he liked it. The image of me going "It better not be boring" was in my Blogger display pic for months.
Eddie also drew John (and vice-versa), and there was no uproar because they're friends and because it was done in good fun.
This comic is mean-spirited and hateful.
The difference, my friend, is good will. Ryan has none with John K. Eddie has unlimited good will with me because he's been so nice to me.
In the REAL WORLD, good will is important and attacking someone has consequences. Humans aren't completely logical, they're also emotional and get mad and get their feelings hurt and hosw favoritism (which is to say a friend calling you the same thing as your enemy would illicit a completely different, albeit illogical, response, and all the better for it), so the fact that this comic is controversial or making people angry shouldn't be of any news to you.
This isn't If you were this insulting in the real world, you'd get your shins kicked in, and the proper response wouldn't be "Hey, can't you appreciate satire?!?! Illiterate plebians!"
To sum up:
Ryan, you are an asshole.
4:13 AM
jabberwocky said...
"The difference, my friend, is good will. Ryan has none with John K. Eddie has unlimited good will with me because he's been so nice to me.
In the REAL WORLD, good will is important and attacking someone has consequences"
So you hang out with Johnny K and Eddie in the REAL WORLD do you Jorge?, since their you're REAL FRIENDS.
5:27 AM
jabberwocky said...
And Jorge, I forgot to say,youre the biggest suck-up ever.If you have any young attractive sisters (under 24 please, nothing too old) Im sure John.K would be very appreciative of your offer.After that please deposit some money into John.k's Paypal account.
5:34 AM
Thad said...
Jabberwocky, youse cracks me up!!!
6:30 AM
ryan said...
Jorge you remind me of a teacher's pet.
You know, that kid that everybody hated.
10:47 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm taking Jorge off of my Raketu Buddies List. Sayonara, douche-bag!
11:49 AM
PCUnfunny said...
Ryan: I sort of wanted to apologize. I was trying to give you advice but I came off as kind of a jerk. My point was words can hurt but don't take them too seriously.
8:50 PM
PCUnfunny said...
Oh and I take back that insult I made on Vincent's blog. ;)
8:58 PM
Jorge Garrido said...
Damn, you got me there, Ryan! I guess you’re too cool for me, right? “OMG U R SUCH A LOSR TEACHERS PET SCIENCE NERD LOL M I RIGHT??!11 LOL”
One day, Ryan, you’ll grow up and realize how stupid it is to use school metaphors.
“I'm taking Jorge off of my Raketu Buddies List. Sayonara, douche-bag!”
I don’t think you have any buddies. Enjoy your Raketu.
7:24 AM
Vincent Waller said...
Wow Crspie you are really all over the map here. I think its safe to crown you reigning King of the bad comparison/bad analogy club. I'm not going to have time to cover each of them. Man, do like to prattle on or what?
Crspy said "It is probably odd because I did not equate them. To equate is to call one thing equal to another. I brought up that incident to show your hypocrisy of accusing other people of the behaviour that is more associated with yourself."
You are either being disingenuous, or dense.
To bring up one, in comparison to the other, in an effort to point out my supposed hypocrisy, is to equate them. Otherwise why bring it up.
An internet troll started posting attacks on his blog directed at Myself and my girlfriend. I responded in kind only until he took down his offensive slurs down. Once he had done that, I removed all posts regarding said troll.
There is no comparison here, because there is no hypocrisy on my part.
I don't settle my problems by attacking people or their family, in a one sided public forum.
The John Travolta kissing Kirk drawing you referenced from my blog, again there is no comparison. If it offended any of the parties concerned, I would remove it. I have no ax to grind against either, and have enjoyed both of their works.
My blog isn't filled or even sprinkled with attacks against people that have slighted or offended me. I try to deal with my problems in the real world, face to face.
A practice that would serve you and Ryan well, if you want the respect of your peers.
Nepotism refers to a job being granted or political favors. The commentary was neither.
It was an afternoon of fun watching Popeye cartoons. No one was paid to be there, not John, Not Eddie, Not Kali.(this story hasn't changed by the way.) If people are so offended by Kali being included on the commentary, I'm sure they could get their money back. I doubt anyone was bothered enough to do so.
I check Kali's blog daily because I'm guaranteed to find something entertaining there.
Kali is a funny multi-talented and gifted cartoonist. That I'm sure, will in the future, give people hours and hours of entertainment through her work. I wouldn't doubt that years from now people will be happy that John included her on this commentary.
It's obvious to anyone reading this and the earlier attacks in his blog ,that Ryan's real problem isn't with Kali being on the DVD, but that he hates John. He hates John for saying really nasty things about him at a party that embarrassed him and his friend David. That is a legitimate gripe. Maybe if David had confronted John about it on that night, or the next day, when everyone was sober, they could have resolved the issue. Maybe John would have realized he had acted an ass, and apologized. It's hard to know because Ryan chose to attack him online instead. But that wasn't enough, Ryan then had to drag his girlfriend into the mix.
And saying "You only included her because she is an example of who John is dating" is lame, low rent and cowardly. You can dance around that all day long and you will still come away looking like an asshole.
For the record I think calling someone a pedophile in a public forum, would in most courts be considered both libelous and slanderous. Only time will tell on that front.
I've dated people 20 years my senior and 20 years my junior. That doesn't make me a grave robber or a pedophile. Calling me either, might get you some legal action, but most assuredly, will get your ass kicked.
John dating a 23 year old is no ones business but his and hers. When you're older you'll have a better grasp of what is and isn't important.
Last: Ask anyone that knows me, whether they like me or not, they will tell you, I don't make veiled threats.
12:47 PM
Anonymous said...
John K is probably a pedophile.
3:37 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Yet another anonymous chicken shite heard from
3:58 PM
jabberwocky said...
"Last: Ask anyone that knows me, whether they like me or not, they will tell you, I don't make veiled threats."
ooooooooooo What are you going to do Vincent? Buy a shotgun? Im sure you will be very popular in prison.
5:06 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Jabbering coward
Please refer to the post directly above yours.
5:15 PM
jabberwocky said...
Hey Vincent, we all know John K ONLY goes out with girls at least 30 YEARS younger, and not anywhere near the same age or older as you imply.
The internet is free speech which does include satire, which is something you obviously hate.
I'll let you go off to do your drive by shootings now, since youre a hardened layout artist/gangster.
6:31 PM
Bruce said...
Isn’t this whole discussion getting a ‘tad’ out of control?
I mean, if a person has some beef against his fellow man, then he should try to talk it over. There is no harm for trying to fix old woes. Otherwise, it will only build up, and you wouldn’t want to go there.
That’s all for now, and please, I don’t want the buck shots to fly at me.
6:38 PM
Norman Bates said...
Be sure to click on the links all over John's site. Gotta help him pay that Internet porn bill. Maybe there'll be some money left over for booze.
4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
7:38 PM
Phil said...
I try to deal with my problems in the real world, face to face.
A practice that would serve you and Ryan well, if you want the respect of your peers.
Vincentt, You keep criticizing Ryan for not talking to John face to face, but instead attacking him in a public forum, when John repeatedly attacked Ryan behind his back at one of his parties in front of numerous people. Is that really any different? And the issue with Kali has been explained already, you may dissagree, but it's obvious the attacks were clearly aimed at John and John alone. You're really blowing things out of proportion here.
12:00 PM
Vincent Waller said...
Phil You've read them. They were clearly not at John and John alone.
If they were, there would be no drawings of Kali, in them.
I've already said that John going at Ryan was wrong.
But settling his grievance in this fashion, rather than in person. Will mark Ryan as someone that is not to be trusted.
People will notice and have it in mind when deciding if they want to work with him.
I've been in this business for twenty three years, and I've seen people be silently put on the Do Not Hire shelf. I've seen them try and try to regain their footing, to no avail. Many times the person didn't even know they had offended anyone. But this a very small community, and word travels fast.
Take what you will from it
12:04 PM
Anonymous said...
I've seen people be silently put on the Do Not Hire shelf. I've seen them try and try to regain their footing, to no avail.
Hey, that's the story of John's life! No wonder you've seen it so much!
12:49 PM
Becky said...
I've seen them try and try to regain their footing, to no avail.
12:50 PM
jabberwocky said...
"I've been in this business for twenty three years, and I've seen people be silently put on the Do Not Hire shelf. I've seen them try and try to regain their footing, to no avail"
Ummmmmm isnt that exact whats happened to John.K?
3:37 PM
Norman Bates said...
It only happened to John K because he stirred that shit up on the job and in-house. Nobody gives a fuck what you write in a forum because they just want people to grind out the sausages.
3:39 PM
Phil said...
"Ummmmmm isnt that exact whats happened to John.K?"
Yes it is. I've spoken with animation execs who've told me nobody wants to hire him because he's known for being a dick who's very hard to work with.
9:05 AM
jabberwocky said...
I guess Vinnie has given up trying to defend his master's horrible antics lol.
8:30 AM
Vincent Waller said...
No Jabberjocky, I just realized its pointless to argue with with cowardly people like yourself that hide behind pseudonyms to spew their idiotic slanders. Never in a thousand years would a weak sister like yourself and your nameless pals, have the courage to voice your slanders to a persons face. Which leaves you having to look into the face of coward each every morning for the rest of your pathetic life.
That, and that I realized John doesn't need defending. He has done more to bring entertainment and laughter to this world than you poor ax grinding schlemiels will ever in your wildest dreams accomplish.
You have a nice day now.
10:17 AM
Thad said...
No, you can't argue any further because your "being hostile publicly towards other people in the biz will cost you steady employment" warning is exactly what happened to John, though with him, it's all part of his patented Midas Touch of Failure.
4:26 PM
jabberwocky said...
Vinnie Boy,you sure sound like a humourous fun guy to work with lol.Give me a kiss.
We know John.K is an major asshole thats why he isn't working, because people cant stand him.Its a shame really, in the end John.K is his own worst enemy, nobody actually has to say or do anything to make him suffer.
Nobody has an axe to grind (another thing you made up) Everyone would prefer it if he wasn't mean and sleazy, and I was quite disappointed when I found out that he was like that.
Now, don't you have to light your candles on your John.K shrine? ;)
6:11 PM
jabberwocky said...
PS. Vincent, how dare you call me a "weak sister".I thought we discussed we were to use our pet names in the bedroom only.
8:33 PM
sharon said...
"No, you can't argue any further because your "being hostile publicly towards other people in the biz will cost you steady employment" warning is exactly what happened to John, though with him, it's all part of his patented Midas Touch of Failure"
John Kric-fail-loser
11:55 PM
jabberwocky said...
¡Soy la situación pasada del hombre! Sycophant Vinnie fue derrotado
8:18 AM
pappy d said...
"Pappy d, you're just being an anal sphincter here."
That's the only good reason for using a pseudonym here, wouldn't you agree?
My point is that Kali F. is a promising young artist who doen't need anyone's coat tails. Here's a short, amusing article on Hillary Clinton's "foreign policy experience" as a professional wifey-poo.
Now ask yourself what kind of role model she'd make as the first female US president.
2:31 PM
crsP said...
Yet more Vincent Waller accusations that he himself is guilty of. Prattling on seems to be your forte more than mine. Take a look at how many comments it took you too actually give a reason for your girl attack conclusion [and that turned out to be bullshit]. And so, someone counteracting your false claims and allegations is prattle? I'm sure you would rather have your say, type your nonsense and have no one question it, but this is the real world, which you speak about but show no clear signs of participating in. It doesn't always go your way, especially when you cannot form even a middling argument.
Vincent Waller don't be an idiot. First of all a comparison is not an equation. It is perfectly acceptable to compare one or more things on their differences, similarities or both. Secondly I brought it up not merely for comparison, but to show your hypocrisy as one who accuses another of the very thing he is guilty of, in that particular case being threatening someone's family. I sure as hell didn't compare it to Ryan K's supposed attack, as no such attack occurred. It all is clearly evident if you read my original comment.
And stop denying the facts. You or anyone else may have opinions on the event of the DVD commentary, wherever on the spectrum those may be, but the fact still remains. And the fact is it was nepotism. Your wafer thin argument that they weren't paid therefore it's not a job is frankly, ridiculous. And you know it. If you're so right then why has this news report got the headline about the unpaid job as condom tester? Or, if that seems too much of a publicity stunt for you, what about this news story? Or how comes this site is advertising those unpaid jobs? By your contention Mother Teresa was just a hippie bumming around India trying to live free off the state. Maybe the reason you're in denial is that you've got strong emotions against nepotism and can't stand the thought that your idol has engaged in this very nepotistic act? That's for you to resolve with yourself, but the fact still remains. Why do you say:
"My blog isn't filled or even sprinkled with attacks against people that have slighted or offended me. I try to deal with my problems in the real world, face to face.
A practice that would serve you and Ryan well, if you want the respect of your peers.
John K made a whole insulting post from someone's comment that slightly differed from his opinion. That's called precedent - you're not the only one who's watched an Ally McBeal episode. Also of note from that was, although he deletes arbitrary comments he claims to be insulting or offensive, he left the ones of personal attacks from his friend onto this commentator. That is more a 'one sided debate' than here, where every side is able to post their opinions. Even if they are as inane as yours. And you don't try to deal with your problems in the real world face to face, so why lie? If you did, then why in the first instance did you not approach Ryan khatam to ask what this comic was about? It's not as if you are two complete strangers on the opposite side of the world. And If you couldn't be bothered with going to him, why not call him? Why not email? So you can try to take your own advice sometime. And you don't know me, so you have no idea how I would have dealt with John k's conniving insults. I generally don't take advice from hypocrites too seriously.
What relevance is it that you "check Kali's blog daily because I'm guaranteed to find something entertaining there."? Should I list off my bookmarks for no particular reason also? And when did this everyday checking begin? Recently? When she became John K's girlfriend? Before she met him when she was just katie Rice's friend? Before that when she hadn't met any of them, but her site was still available to view everyday, as she was posting on John K's site? What is your point? What does this "multi-talented" phrase mean? Can the other people you know only do one specific task? Tony Bennet sings and paint - multi talent, Arnold Shwartzenegger does bodybuilding, is a movie star, a politician, a writer - multi talent. You can pick out others and easily find that they are "multi-talented" if you look into their hobbies, interests and occupations. But does "multi-talented" mean a person is capable of doing anything? Heather and others didn't think she had talent in DVD commentary. Does that take away from the other things she can do? I don't think so. But you thought you'd point it out to goad me into insulting her. Plan failed. If in the future she makes something entertaining, then good on her. If I enjoy it, then I'm not going to be disparaging about it. But what has the future got to do with the present or past? You still think the future affects the past. Why would people who didn't think she contributed any worth to the commentary suddenly change their minds because she's now famous? Is that why you think you can do a half-arsed job on the commentary? Because you have niche celebrity status? You think people who pay good money for these extras just want to know that 'hey, Vincent Waller showed up, that's worth the extra'? But it's okay, you had a day of fun, and besides, you're not getting paid. So you can be proud of your work when your free contributors copy of the boxset arrives in the post, nevermind the poor saps struggling to pay their way through college, or those on low wages who find themselves paying for the experience of having 'the annoying jerk in the cinema who points out the obvious and laughs over the movie'. Why should they think they deserve anything of quality? Ingrates, eh?
And who cares about the range of ages you've dated? Were you expecting a high-five? Have I left you hanging? Funny how you want to dish out an ass kicking and bell ringing, slaps and whatnot for people who might call you grave robber, or pedophile, yet you so easily brush off John K telling other people falsely what Ryan's sexuality is. For someone who likes to easily throw out accusations like making great artists such as Bob Camp and I [HAhahahAHHAha] out to be the sort to "attack" young women, you sure are a sensitive sort. 'Oh boo-hoo-hoo I will ring their bells if they write a snarky review of my commentary I didn't put any effort into'. 'Oh woe is me, they'll get a slap for drawing a caricature of my friend'. 'Oh no, why me? Why are they calling me a grave digger for dating an older lady, engage ass kicking mode!'. And the classic, 'argghh, that boy did a badly drawn drawing of my girlfriend leaving me for fictional cartoon character Spongebob Squarepants - time to deal with him in kind by threatening his family'. Oh, you can do that, it's only the internet, right? Wait, this satirical comic is also on the internet, what's going on here? Why are you worked up over an internet jibe at something someone else did, in the 'real world'?
John K can date a 20 year old, sure. That's their business as has been pointed out. But John K has made it public business. He choose through his own will to post a photo of her and a friend in a swimsuit leaning out of a pool. I assume it was her, as I'm not familiar with what she looks from the back. He removed it at one of their requests, but quite clearly John K wants people to know. There's more tamer post also concerned with his relationship, that he could have easily kept to himself if privacy was his goal. So now you have fanboys such as yourself who have entwined themselves in their tryst, so don't pull this 'it's no one's business but his and hers' at this juncture. It's because I am not up-to-date on the going-ons of his love life that I am able to be objective. I don't find the need to hound someone just because of their association with John K. Only in the comments of this post that it was revealed to me that he had a relationship with Lynne Naylor. I had been to her site before, and I went there again when I was trying identify her drawings amongst some storyboards Jim Smith had posted. Hearing of her past relationship with John K didn't make me suddenly want to go to her site. I thought she was an amazing artist and did some really great girl drawings, an opinion I still retain after finding out about the relationship. And unlike a lot of people who go to Katie Rice's site, I found her site way before John K got his own personal site, and when I found out she knew him, it didn't detract or enhance her work to me. These things are interesting to me, but they don't have much influence on what I like about an individual's work. It's good to have recommendations of other artists, but if there's nothing that pops out for me, I try not to hang around like a stalker, just because they have a connection with someone else. So, again, take your own advice. And you're a dick for bringing John K's girlfriend into this, so now I've danced your dance it'll probably not be a good idea for me to comment on Katie Rice's site. Thanks numbnuts - seems to have been a part of your plan.
From what I've read here, you come across as a manipulative bully. If someone doesn't agree with your fanciful notions then they're 'retarded ' or 'not a good person' or similar. You keep bringing up how this will affect Ryan K's standing in 'the industry', wanting to sound like a concerned grandfather figure, but it's easy to see from your previous comments like calling him a jumped-up little prick, that you're really trying to 'hold it over him' so he'll remove this comic. You don't give two shits about his career right now. Similar situation with John K's girlfriend. Cowardly hiding behind this stupid 'attack' you've concocted as an excuse to go after Ryan Khatam, because you knew very well that you couldn't come off as aggressive as you have without looking like a dick [ironic], if this had 'only been about a retaliation to a John K insult'. And despite your 'advice', you tell David "Did you tell him to go fuck himself and split? That's the least that I would have done". So you have us believe that if you were in his situation of starting off in the industry, that you would tell a well known figure in that same industry to go fuck himself, in front of all the contacts you say were at that party? Why is it different for you?
Finally, what's this about?:
"Last: Ask anyone that knows me, whether they like me or not, they will tell you, I don't make veiled threats."
You mean you don't make threats? Or the threats you make aren't veiled? What's the point of countering the argument of an ambiguous statement with another ambiguous statement? I called it a veiled threat because you threatened violence, but had all these conditions, like in a party, and then end it with 'maybe'. I don't think I will call your enemies that can provide references for you, doesn't make sense to me. And I'm fully prepared to defend myself and family against cowardly bullies such as yourself, so bring your war if you're such a warmonger.
You may think you're coming off like a young at heart cheeky guy such as Peter Pan, but you're coming off more like a Captain Hook, juvenile and hell bent on going after your self-made 'arch enemy'. That was an analogy, does your brain ache?
6:50 PM
crsP said...
Jorge Garrido, you've jumped on this unfortunate bandwagon of an idea that I am not familiar with the 'real world'. I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion. You say:
"In the REAL WORLD, good will is important and attacking someone has consequences."
"If you were this insulting in the real world, you'd get your shins kicked in..."
So let me take an example from the 'real world' that I reside in. On Earth there exist an artist called Gerald Scarfe. Check out that link to his official page. Even on the homepage, the first page most people visiting his site will come to, he has a caricature depicting George W Bush as a monkey, who is currently engaged in the act of shitting out Tony Blair from between his arse cheeks. That's just one example of his work, you can see more, and I highly recommend people do. Great stuff, superb drawings. In the 'real world'. Will you be kicking his shins in whilst Vincent Waller rings his bell? What's the situation there?
I propose that it is you who are naive to how the world works. It is evident in your own words:
"Thank God I didn't try to get into Sheridan, working in an industry filled with petty immature babies like yourself for little money and creative freedom would have been torture. "
Geez, where to start...You think that just going to Sheridan [because John K went there] that you're automatically entitled to a job in animation? Make sure you eat the same brand of cereal too. And who in the name of fuck wastes tuition money going to college just to end up in, what you describe, as a job with little pay PLUS no creative freedom?! I could explain exactly why you're so wrong, but I think it's common sense. Good luck on "", whatever the hell that is [I'm not into hermaphrodite porno].
7:27 PM
crsP said...
Pappy d, what do you mean by:
"That's the only good reason for using a pseudonym here, wouldn't you agree?
Are you saying that you have a pseudonym to make such comment, or that I have one so I can point out you were being an anal sphincter. Because it's just another one of my analogies [I've grown a certain fondness towards them, like child to a pet turtle [ahhh, there I go again with another one]]. You're the sphincter in that analogy, controlling when to release the 'shit', your insults. Clear it up any? As for Hilary Clinton, yes, I stand by my claim that you were being sexist. However, just because she was a victim to her husbands' adultery at one point, it doesn't mean she isn't using the Clinton name and her status as his wife to form and boost her political career. She certainly is. She may have been around politics, and had some coaching from Bill Clinton, but that doesn't necessarily make her suitable to any political position. The same conclusion may be drawn in the DVD situation [as we're on politics, should it be known as DVDgate? No.]. You or anyone else can bring up her promising talent or her multi-talent, but it's not relevant if DVD commentary aren't part of them. And the fact is, whether people think she rode his coat tails or not [that's a talent in itself if it were to be taken literally], without the involvement of John K, she would not have been asked to do the commentary. That may hurt some feelings, but the fact is undeniable. I didn't create it. More hatred towards me I guess.
8:00 PM
jabberwocky said...
Its funny Vinnie, I dont think anyone could find a better person to describe what a "schlemiel" is than to use John.K as an example.
6:28 AM
Clint said...
Man, I had no idea Vincent Waller was such a jerk..
All of these animation figures keep seeming to disappoint. What a shame to know their real personalities. I would have much rather remained blissfully ignorant.
2:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Dude - fucking funny comic! Thanks for the laugh.
Fuck all the JKK sycophants - if it isn't already painfully obvious, they sure as hell wouldn't have an identity or even a career if it wasn't for him, so their vitriolic motivations against you are pretty clear. Shit, it's just a comic for christs sake. Damn hypocritical of so called "cartoonists" to want to censure one of their own.
Just keep making funny comics. Doesn't matter how they're interpreted; bitter, light-hearted, whatever. Do what you want - as long as they make you laugh, they're bound to make others laugh too.
12:04 AM
pappy d said...
Yes. You're right on both counts. Maybe I'd have been clearer if I'd capitalised "good", but I hate to raise my voice. Sometimes I'll be deliberately perverse or sometimes I don't want to be publicly identified with my own opinions. For the children.
It may not have been as good an analogy as the pet turtle, but the anal sphincter is an important & highly influential body part. No offence taken.
The analogy between the girl in the background of the Popeye DVD commentary & the prospective leader of the free world has got more attention that it probably deserves but maybe we can finally torture it to death.
First let me say I really don't care about the '08 Cola Wars. The news piece I cited points out, for example, that she claims to have been instrumental in settling of the Northern Irish question, though she only attended the lighting of the Christmas tree at Belfast City Hall (as is proper for a First Lady). That's like Kali claiming to have animated on Pinocchio.
Is it sexist to wish for a qualified candidate who'd risen on her own accomplishments rather than a person who has had a career as a political wife? I grant you, it's an important job, but isn't it among the first duties of the First Lady to make sure the President of the United States of America gets a blowjob when he needs one? Is it too much to ask?
6:20 PM
jabberwocky said...
It should also be mentioned when John Kricfalusi had Spumco, he would always hire attractive young girls straight out of high school ,purely in an in an effort to crack on to them at "spumco parties".
12:44 AM
David Germain said...
Hey, I just discovered this comic today. Hilarious and funny. Despite what the "anonies" say, I hope you do much more of these.
For the record, I've gotten into animation arguments with Mr. K. on his blog too and he hasn't barred me at all. And I even drew him with Friz Freleng shoving a gun in his mouth. Scroll down to see it. Has Mr. K. seen it or not? I don't care.
8:39 AM
Alisha said...
This is the first time i have ever looked at the comments for a post. I had a feeling there would be some dramatic background story here. Fuck! You guys have a lot of time on your hands. Especially Crsp. I wanted to hang myself after reading some of his long and drawn out arguments of illogical guile. I will say that reading all the horseshit that has been spewed because of this drawing has been breathtaking at times.... such emotion... such tirades... sooo much diatribe. I know i am too late to jump on this bandwagon of vitriol, ... but it's fun to pretend.
12:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Ooooooooooooooo...... you're such a bitch
3:24 PM
Anonymous said...
wow. this comic is fucking amazing. kudos to you ryan.
why do you hate john k? i thought he would be someone you would look up to. expalin?
5:32 AM
Rick Roberts said...
John K. is just a bitter and pathetic individual who would go so low as to humiliate someone he dosen't even know, even when you respect him. He deserves all the failure he gotten in his pathetic career built on appearantly abusing and manipulating others into thinking his own one.
7:48 PM
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