Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enjoy the Struggle

Welcome to Ren and Stimpy Shitstorm. Eventually this concept might become a standalone message board, but in the meantime, feel free to post comments that have been orphaned by being refused on message sections of other Spumco, John Kricfalusi, Ren and Stimpy, or related shows/personnel sites under the topmost post at any given time (excluding spam, credible threats of unlawful acts, posts which themselves constitute unlawful acts, or fan fiction; oh, and posts about APM, because those threads suck). The internet being a big broad place, there's probably other things that I'll refuse to allow to stay, and by saying that here I hereby disclaim being a hypocrite when it inevitably crops up. Feel free to post links to your own blog about how this blog fucking sucks.


  1. The more I learn about John K the more I can understand him being fired.

  2. From my sources I have learned John K. was without a doubt fired because he missed deadlines. Very little of the fiasco had to do with content.

  3. Which fiasco?
    There were content issues involved in both RnS endings; both series involved refusals to show a completed and paid for episode. Both endings also involved deadline issues too, but surely it's a rich tapestry.

    (Note: evidence still helps an argument, even if you don't HAVE to have it.)

  4. I say fiasco because John turned the whole thing into a nightmare for Nick. The content was not a major issue, John refused to obey the deadlines or budgets. And the same thing happened in APC except he really screwed over Bob Jaques, who definetly can confirm (since he told me on his blog) John still owes him an ass load of money.

  5. It's not about the children, it's about the meat! NOW MORE THAN EVER!!

  6. "Meat Blog"....what a weird link.

  7. I ran across it on an animation blog that had been getting hits due to it (Thad's, I think). I link it on the theory that it represents the subtext of all art...

  8. "I link it on the theory that it represents the subtext of all art..."

    ...Which is?

  9. (The theory has admitted holes; it doesn't account for sugar, for instance...)

  10. Wanna know why John K is a Z-lister nobody writing a blog instead of an in-demand animation superstar? It's simple - John K screwed John K. The dude can't make deadlines, he treats people like shit (unless you're female, under 25, and somewhat cute), and he can't make budget.

  11. Your post has the air of a mean drunk... Remember to always use a designated driver.

  12. I heard the Games team used to have secret screening/masturbation sessions of all the scenes they animated where Ren and Stimpy get killed
