Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive (Blog Comment Etiquette comment)

Referenced post:
John K Stuff: Blog Comment Etiquette

" "FAQ" stands for "frequently asked questions", and generally refers to basic instructions in a question/answer format. "


  1. Fair enough standards I'd said. I'd just wish he would stop his lying and hypocrisy.

  2. "It's not to convince the world that there is only one kind of cartoon - my kind. I have no problem with there being room for unfunny flat cartoons, sentimental CG cartoons, retreads of Disney formula features, non-cartoony prime time cartoons and whatever other genres exist in animation."

    As always, he implies that HIS cartoons, or at least his TYPE, are the only type that is any good. Anything else is unfunny, flat, sentimental, retread, formula, or non-cartoony.

  3. While he may think it, he's not saying that directly. There's nothing inherently derogatory in describing something as a sentimental CG cartoon; if you replace the second instance of "cartoon" with "animated show" (and they're often used interchangeably, altho they in fact have different connotations), there's nothing derogatory about describing something as a non-cartoony prime time cartoon. There are cases for the other terms not being inherently derogatory either (many things are retreads or unfunny, and that really isn't a problem for any number of dramatic remakes, for example; while it means they're not innovative or comedic, neither of those traits determines a work's worth).

    But even assuming he means only his style of cartoons are good, the broad denial of all other things points to the extreme subjective-ness of the stance. His rhetorical mode often seems to present his subjective opinion as fact; this is not a problem in and of itself as conversation would bog down and people's points would be diluted if everyone had to say "in my opinion" every time a subjective judgment is stated.

    The problem comes when a claim is made that his subjective judgment as to the value of an aesthetic should take precedence over anyone else's. And I don't mean in the role of a director, where that would be his role within the production, or regarding the degree to which a drawing (for instance) may or may not conform to a technical specification that he has advanced technical experience in. I mean in his role as someone speaking about culture with other people. It is inappropriate to impose the authority he has within his legitimate roles as a director ("my aesthetic choices in this film are correct as compared to the people working on this film because this is _my_ film") and as a technical expert ("this drawing/film meets or does not meet with or varies in certain ways from these formal/semiformal/informal rules and I know (better than you) because I have many years of experience analyzing and working in those rules") to other areas, such as whether a work is "good" or not. His opinions on whether something is "good" are as valid as those of anyone else and he is perfectly justified in advocating his positions, but his opinions on the general "good" value of anything are no more valid than anyone else's.

  4. The reason people read his blog is because he can actually make cartoons. That makes his opinions on making cartoons more valid than your opinions. Your peculiar talents make you better qualified to criticize long stretches of rambling text.

  5. I really think John has talent Anon. I remember when he made that video of drawing a scene from Tex Avery's "The Heckling Hare". It was pretty much a carbon copy and you have to have refined skills in order to do that.

    But then he turns around and makes Kaspar the lumpy bear on line paper with wonky shapes. And then I remember his series of posts of those shitty drawings in Roger Ramjet. I think Ramjet was actually pretty funny but those drawings are eye-bleeding.

  6. wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah
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  7. This seems to be the asperger's syndrome blog

  8. ^^You took the words out of my mouth.

  9. Off-topic, but here's a great cartoon pitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0_QDYeXV5I

  10. You really need to get a life.
