John K has hidden all comments on his Blog posts, so they're all fair game here. I'll highlight them when I find it wirthwhile to do so. Because even if they're hidden on Blogger, no comment is ever really gone.
(Pro tip: search for "13" in the below, then search for John's direct response to the 13 year old.)
"Listen up!
I’ve teamed up with your favorite girl cartoonist, Katie Rice to create and help develop new cartoon shows-some of our own, and some shows that others have created that they need wonderfully funny and cute pictures to go with their stories.
Help Katie and I aid science.
We are showing you some preliminary character designs from a new show in development. It’s top secret, so we can’t tell you the name of it yet or what it’s about.
BUT we do want to know from all the girl cartoon fans in the world whether you would like to see a show that looks like this!
I’m sure you are tired of all the namby pamby, talk-down-to-you types of purple and pink shows where all the girls look exactly the same and all they think about is combing their hair and sharing all their material wealth with friends and getting along.
OUR theory for a girls’ show is to make all the girls look and act different-you know, like REAL LIFE???!
So all you guys who read this blog of mine, get your sisters, daughters and Moms and girlfriends to look at these designs of hot chicks done by Katie Godess Rice and tell us what you think in the comments.
(Extra game: try and guess who this gal is based on!)
I think I will make this a regular feature! I’ll preview new show ideas and if lots of you tell us you want to see these shows, then I will have proof for TV networks that you are dying for some real cartoons!
*****By the way-to make this market research completely scientific, please enter your age, sex, race and religion then tell us how you like the characters. Believe it or not that’s what TV people think they need to know, so let’s give it to ‘em, folks! And if you have shows, hire me and Katie to make them look good!
John- "
"Rebecca said...
Rebecca Sugar,
Age: 18,
Sex: female
Religion: Jewish
Oh god! I want to be in on this so badly! These character designs look fabulous, and i love the idea. Cartoons for girls suck, and I've been dreaming about making a not-sucking show with girl chars all through highschool.. Its a big part of why im in school learning to animate. I love the thought of you workin on a girl show, thats the stuff my dreams are made of! I'd only wish i could be a part of it!
I LOVE the first design, especially the hair. A little iffy on the second girl.. the hair shines turn me off a bit, especially next to the other solid haired chars. But that sweet pose on the right side is fantastic. I love the solid hair with dark blue for black. The blonde is adorable, I also like that flip wig girl.
I wish i knew more about their personalities/setting. I've always dreamed of making/seeing a girl character who's a schlub. Nothing is more adorable to me than girls in huge crappy t shirts..
Oh, and here's my quickie katie holmes, i tried.. "
Rebecca said...
Rebecca again... 18 female etc, I had to draw after looking at those chars. I'm just so giddy that you have a blog, and giddy over the prospect of these chars. So i whipped out some doodles of my favorite things on girls.. here are a few. I'm really new to cartooniness, I'm only a freshman and up till now i've been doing comics and paintings mostly, so these are kind of stiff and lame..
(does linking work? Pics )
well I'll write it in case it doesn't. http://www. sugarboukas. .com/sketches/ mompants.jpg
Anyway.. I noticed the low rider theme in the pants-wearing characters. So I thought I'd speak up for some mom pants, them being one of my favorite things. I get a kick out of girls in old movies with those great high up pants around their wasp waists. Glasses also get a bad rap, i'd like to see some more glasses on girl chars.. they're extra handy and can accentuate expressions and add vulnerability, it's a shame people don't use glasses to their potential. (I loved Anthony's glasses in visit to Anthony. Nothing punches a point home like broken lenses.)
And babushkas/bandanas look great, i think they'd look really great on Katie's characters, they're already rockin headbands, I love that!
And that's all I've got on aesthetics."
"JohnK said...
>>Why do all their bellybuttons and boobs and such have to be showing? They seem just like the characters you say you're rebelling against.
believe me, I would never rebel against belly buttons or boobs.
7:40 PM "
"Marlo Meekins said...
i rikey the teef the best, fellas
10:36 PM "
Marlo Meekins said...
age: 24 1/2
sex: Girl
race: Fire Crotch
religion: Angry Athiest
10:51 PM "
Here's something fro ma 13 year old:
"Maria said...
name: Maria or Saphira if you prefer
age: 13
sex: female
religion: no thanks
Love the look of the characters..seems to be better than a lot of the crap that's out there now. What are your other ideas for the show? What kind of network are you thinking about pitching to? Well I'll look back latter..hopefully that is. BTW, love ren and stimpy, one of the best cartoons out there!
8:58 AM "
Oh hey, John was nice enough to directly respond to her:
"JohnK said...
>>Love the look of the characters..seems to be better than a lot of the crap that's out there now. What are your other ideas for the show?
Unfortunately so far we can't talk about the stories or personalities yet. We have a network that is debating what kind of look for the show.
We want to convince them to do it in Katie's style with all the characters having different designs instead of just looking generic as most cartoon girls look.
Soon I will post another girl's show that we totally developed ourselves and get your input on that! We can tell you stories for our own stuff.
Thanks thanks thanks
10:27 AM "
JohnK said...
Hi Bobbie,
the funny part is that pinky girl is based on Katie herself who is very smart, not bubble-headed at all.
You should have read the description of the artist character that was given to us..."artistic rather than intelligent" !
I guess you can only be one or the other. Well I ignored that one direction and said "let's base the artist character on you, Katie-smart and creative but wacky too."
11:10 AM "
Saturday, April 13, 2019
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