Saturday, March 31, 2018

Return of the Rat

I had turned the Ren and Stimpy Shit Storm blog off years ago, after it shut down a good number of Spumco related blogs because John K held his breathe and was pouting so very hard that there was conversation outside of his control about what he had to say. The constant personal attacks against me by a coterie of his supporters was unpleasant enough that I was willing to just declare a small victory that I had driven the man so insane he was willing to shut down his online life and require his followers to shut down theirs too, and I turned off this blog's availability.

I had thought that it was just that John K was such a control freak that he couldn't stand for anyone else talking about him. I thought it was just that he had to curate his reputation so that no one could question his fragile illusion of genius.

While I think those things may till be a part of it, I now wonder if there was a more specific pressing need behind the mad push against an easily accessible open forum to say whatever you might.

You've read this article, right? If not, go ahead and read it, thoroughly. Make sure you get to the end (sometimes you may think an ad signals the end, but keep scrolling to make sure there isn't more of it).

In retrospect I think an open (and inherently hostile) place to talk was more than a simple reputational threat. It represented a specific forum that specific issues might be raised in. Those issues have now been raised. There's no point in the members of the cult of personality fighting this anymore. 

There is a post or two earlier than this one that I made for my own reference after the initial run. There will be a few new posts after this on, to catch up on the last few years. I'll have some things to say. Maybe you will too. Try to be kind to each other. And for those who do not deserve kindness, nevertheless strive to be accurate.

The Storm is once again open.

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